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UDF code for variable viscosity in y-direction

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Old   August 16, 2016, 22:11
Default UDF code for variable viscosity in y-direction
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I am dealing with a multi phase problem ; a 2D domain filled with air as the primary phase and a fluid flow with variable viscosity in y-direction moving in x-direction on the bottom wall as the secondary phase.

Wondering if you could help with a UDF code by which I can define a function that varies the viscosity values in y-direction?


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Old   August 21, 2016, 23:16
Default How about this
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What about something like this, hooked to the viscosity of whatever phase in your simulation you're trying to change?

DEFINE_PROPERTY(cell_viscosity, c, t)
  real mu;
  real x[ND_ND];
  real Y_coord;
  return mu;
Can you elaborate why the viscosity would be spatially dependent? Is it because you don't want to simulate the effects of one phase diffusing into another and affecting the viscosity?

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Old   August 23, 2016, 07:17
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Thanks a lot for the code;it was really helpful. I did some minor changes to get what I want, but there's still an issue:

#include "udf.h"

DEFINE_PROPERTY(cell_viscosity, c, t)
real mu;
real x[ND_ND];
real Y_coord;

if(Y_coord<=/ H) /*H: thickness of the secondary phase)*/
mu=(a*Y_coord)+A; /*viscosity profile & a and b are constants*/
return mu;

Well, I'm actually dealing with two layers of fluids with various viscosities. Instead of defining the 3rd phase, I decided to change the viscosity in y-direction! nevertheless, there's also a variation in "mu" in y-dir for each layer.

Assuming "A(@Y_coord=0 or wall)"<=mu<="B(@ Y_coord=H or interface)", I couldn't get the B value for the viscosity at the interface, and its contour shows me a less value. Like, B=5.7 Pa.S instead of 6! Is there any chance to fix this issue??

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