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error with UDRGM

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  • 1 Post By fafa_blues
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Old   July 1, 2015, 05:13
Default error with UDRGM
New Member
Join Date: Jun 2015
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fafa_blues is on a distinguished road
hi everyone

i worked a lot with fluent 14.5 and 15 for compiling my udf (actually UDRGM) but I could not even compile it and then shift it to fluent 6.3 and finally compiled my UDRGM with this words:

Loading Real-EQUILIBRIUM_GAS Library:

Setting material "air" to a real-gas...

Loading Real-EQUILIBRIUM_GAS Library:

Loading Real-EQUILIBRIUM_GAS Library:

Loading Real-EQUILIBRIUM_GAS Library:

Loading Real-EQUILIBRIUM_GAS Library:

Loading Real-EQUILIBRIUM_GAS Library:

Loading Real-EQUILIBRIUM_GAS Library:

Loading Real-EQUILIBRIUM_GAS Library:

Loading Real-EQUILIBRIUM_GAS Library:

but when I 've start to iterate, I 've got some error (with double decision and also single decision) and these are the massages:

unable to read the cmd header on the pmi context, generic socket failure, error stack:
MPIDU_Sock_wait(2533): The specified network name is no longer available. (errno 64).
unable to read the cmd header on the pmi context, generic socket failure, error stack:
MPIDU_Sock_wait(2533): The specified network name is no longer available. (errno 64).
unable to read the cmd header on the pmi context, generic socket failure, error stack:
MPIDU_Sock_wait(2533): The specified network name is no longer available. (errno 64).
unable to read the cmd header on the pmi context, generic socket failure, error stack:
MPIDU_Sock_wait(2533): The specified network name is no longer available. (errno 64).
unable to read the cmd header on the pmi context, generic socket failure, error stack:
MPIDU_Sock_wait(2533): The specified network name is no longer available. (errno 64).
unable to read the cmd header on the pmi context, generic socket failure, error stack:
MPIDU_Sock_wait(2533): The specified network name is no longer available. (errno 64).
unable to read the cmd header on the pmi context, generic socket failure, error stack:
MPIDU_Sock_wait(2533): The specified network name is no longer available. (errno 64).

999999 (..\..\src\mpsystem.c@1123): mpt_read: failed: errno = 10054

999999: mpt_read: error: read failed trying to read 4 bytesunable to read the cmd header on the pmi context, generic socket failure, error stack:
MPIDU_Sock_wait(2533): The specified network name is no longer available. (errno 64).
: No such file or directory
received suspend command for a pmi context that doesn't exist: unmatched id = 7
received suspend command for a pmi context that doesn't exist: unmatched id = 6
received suspend command for a pmi context that doesn't exist: unmatched id = 5
received suspend command for a pmi context that doesn't exist: unmatched id = 3

job aborted:
rank: node: exit code[: error message]
0: -1073741819: process 0 exited without calling finalize
1: -1073741819: process 1 exited without calling finalize
2: -1073741819: process 2 exited without calling finalize
3: -1073741819: process 3 exited without calling finalize
4: -1073741819: process 4 exited without calling finalize
5: -1073741819: process 5 exited without calling finalize
6: -1073741819: process 6 exited without calling finalize
7: -1073741819: process 7 exited without calling finalize
received suspend command for a pmi context that doesn't exist: unmatched id = 2
received suspend command for a pmi context that doesn't exist: unmatched id = 1
received suspend command for a pmi context that doesn't exist: unmatched id = 0
The Parallel FLUENT process could not be started.

I don't know that is wrong, could you please help
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Old   November 16, 2015, 22:02
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ndabir is on a distinguished road

I have a question. Could you please tell me what did you do after compiling your UDF? I mean how did you assign the properties of real gas to air? Did you directly go to the material properties and assign for example "air density" to a specific function?

My problem is I exactly copy the Fluent's UDF example for a real gas in a UDF file, then I compile the code. But I just don't see any options under material properties to assign the new real gas properties to air.
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Old   November 19, 2015, 07:04
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fafa_blues is on a distinguished road
after compiling u should load your UDF by typing :
for Fluent 6.3:
If single-species to be used, then the text command menu is:

and will aske you:

use user defined real gas? [no]

and you should answer : yes

On the other hand, if you are simulating multiple-species flow, then the text command menu to use is:


and again answer yes for question.

and then it will going to ask about ur library's name and you should write its name
and ur UDF will be active and the function library will now supply the fluid material properties for your case.

by the way for ansys fluent :
instead of real-gas in define/user-defined/real-gas/......
you should write: real-gas-model
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Old   November 19, 2015, 07:05
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fafa_blues is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by ndabir View Post

I have a question. Could you please tell me what did you do after compiling your UDF? I mean how did you assign the properties of real gas to air? Did you directly go to the material properties and assign for example "air density" to a specific function?

My problem is I exactly copy the Fluent's UDF example for a real gas in a UDF file, then I compile the code. But I just don't see any options under material properties to assign the new real gas properties to air.

after compiling u should load your UDF by typing :
for Fluent 6.3:
If single-species to be used, then the text command menu is:

and will aske you:

use user defined real gas? [no]

and you should answer : yes

On the other hand, if you are simulating multiple-species flow, then the text command menu to use is:


and again answer yes for question.

and then it will going to ask about ur library's name and you should write its name
and ur UDF will be active and the function library will now supply the fluid material properties for your case.

by the way for ansys fluent :
instead of real-gas in define/user-defined/real-gas/......
you should write: real-gas-model
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Old   November 19, 2015, 07:46
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ndabir is on a distinguished road
Thank you. Now its working perfectly.
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