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Reaction Species transport and Population Balance

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Old   January 20, 2020, 08:08
Default Reaction Species transport and Population Balance
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Abhishek Goel
Join Date: Oct 2019
Location: India
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Hello everyone,

I am doing the simulation for continuous hydrothermal synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles for ceria nanoparticles.
In my system from 1 side hot supercritical water is coming and from other side metal salt solution is coming and they are reacting at a mixing point and generating ceria metal oxide nanoparticles.

I want to do the reaction analysis and population balance modeling of the particle formation for that I am using eulerian multiphase model and discrete population balance model.
my reaction is following born type reaction rate and it is a crystallization reaction.

Overall Reaction: 2Ce(NO3)3 + 4H2O --> 2CeO2 + 6HNO3 + H2

for my reactor, I have already done flow and thermal analysis for steady-state with pressure-based 3ddp with energy and realizable K-e, standard wall model with initialization at inlet cold. In this case, I have not considered reaction for flow and thermal analysis as reaction and particles formed after it will not going to affect the flow much.

Now I am thinking to use a multiphase model with phase 1 as a mixture of reactants and phase 2 as ceria(nanoparticles crystallized) along with reaction model finite rate eddy dissipation model as our reaction is following born equation for reaction kinetics

I am confused about how to perform it either in solution mode or by changing setup, transient or steady-state?
I have to do the initialization again or not?
If the flow is simulated again or not?
crystallization reaction is considered as a homogenous reaction or heterogenous(which is to be defined in phase interaction).
How to define rate exponent, mixture species, mixing rate.

Please help me and let me know about any other details required.

Thank you very much in advance

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