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Evaporation model, why the fluid temperature is NOT constant?

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  • 1 Post By Vincenzo_

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Old   September 12, 2017, 23:05
Default Evaporation model, why the fluid temperature is NOT constant?
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Join Date: Sep 2017
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Vincenzo_ is on a distinguished road
I'm simulating evaporation through a pipe. Water is flowing inside it and it gets heated with certain heat flux (1077328 W/m^2). It's subcooled water, it enters at 20°C and 2000 PSI, over a 16 m leght it must evaporate around 80% of the fluid. The thing is, I do get the fraction correct, around 80% but when I plot the temperature of the liquid to check the leght when starts the evaporation I found that the temperature of the liquid along the leght keeps rising! it gets more than 1000 K which is impossible since all the energy is used to change the phase and not to increase the temperature.

So, what's happening? Did I miss something to configurate? Is a flaw in the model?

My boundaries conditions are:
Pressure based
2D symmetrical
Turbulent k-epsilon
Water liquid (propierties are piecewise linear to get more close to real values, beacuase water at 320°C has a Cp over 6400 J/kg K)
Water vapor (properties remains constant)
steel (properties constant)

Liquid V=0,484 m/s T=293K
Vapor V=0, Fraction=0

Gauge pressure= 0
Backflow Temperature=335,472 °C (Saturation temperature)
Vapor Blackflow =0

Wall Heated:
Thermal q=1077328 W/m^2


Operating conditions:
2000 psi

Phase 1: Liquid
Phase 2: Vapor

Interaction: evaporation condensation
Frequency 0.1
Saturation temp: 335,472 °C

Everything else is default.

So what i'm doing wrong? I'm missing something? can someone help?

Thanks for your time!
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Old   September 14, 2017, 04:42
Join Date: Jun 2017
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Large Epic Simulations is on a distinguished road
I would say that this effect would depend on the fluid properties and the vaporization model you're using. I suggest you to check in the theory manual the equations you're using.

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evaporation, fluent, temperature

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