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Beginners problem..?

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Old   March 27, 2012, 14:30
Default Beginners problem..?
New Member
Join Date: Mar 2012
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Brain_Ache is on a distinguished road

Firstly, what a very informative forum.

I知 very new to Flow3D and I知 trying to teach myself how to use it!

I知 trying to simulate the filling of a quite large (about 1000 liter) tank. The geometry of the tank has been generated in AutoCAD inventor and exported as an STL. I import this STL file into Flow3D and mesh it using a single mesh block. I chose a single mesh block initially just so that I could check the meshed geometry looked okay before setting up the model.

After meshing, I checked that the open and solid volumes of the meshed geometry were okay, but have noticed that much of the open and solid volumes have not been distinguished from each other.

I have tried to assign the tank geometry as either a solid or complement, but still most of the open volumes and closed volumes have not been distinguished from each other.

I知 guessing I知 doing something completely wrong, but don稚 know how or where.

If you could offer some advice to me it would be very much appreciated.

I have attached the STL file of the tank.

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Old   April 16, 2012, 14:43
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michael barkhudarov
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Originally Posted by Brain_Ache View Post

Firstly, what a very informative forum.

I知 very new to Flow3D and I知 trying to teach myself how to use it!

I知 trying to simulate the filling of a quite large (about 1000 liter) tank. The geometry of the tank has been generated in AutoCAD inventor and exported as an STL. I import this STL file into Flow3D and mesh it using a single mesh block. I chose a single mesh block initially just so that I could check the meshed geometry looked okay before setting up the model.

After meshing, I checked that the open and solid volumes of the meshed geometry were okay, but have noticed that much of the open and solid volumes have not been distinguished from each other.

I have tried to assign the tank geometry as either a solid or complement, but still most of the open volumes and closed volumes have not been distinguished from each other.

I知 guessing I知 doing something completely wrong, but don稚 know how or where.

If you could offer some advice to me it would be very much appreciated.

I have attached the STL file of the tank.

Are the tank walls thin? What the stl file needs to have is the inner surface of the tank, and the outer surface should define sufficient thickness to be resolved by the mesh. From you describe it sound like the tank walls defined by stl files are too thin to be resolved by the grid, no?
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