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FloTHERM: How to convert the cylindrical geometry to Cylinder SmartPart?

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Old   November 23, 2016, 10:10
Default FloTHERM: How to convert the cylindrical geometry to Cylinder SmartPart?
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I have imported the STEP file into FloTHERM.Bridge (see attached). This file represents cylindrical geometry. I need to convert it to Cylinder SmartPart.

Decompose and Dissect Body commands cannot do it: they generate the "Overcomplex cannot dissect" message.

Single Object command (and selecting Bounding Cylinder in its dialog) generates cylinder according to the bounding box of the part, but surprisingly this bounding box is wider than the part, so the resulting cylinder has the wrong size.

Finally I have attempted to simplify the part with Global Simplify and Local Simplify commands, but without any success.

Would anybody give me advice how to correctly convert the cylindrical part into Cylinder SmartPart?
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Old   November 25, 2016, 02:52
Gabriel Ciobanu
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Hello Oleg,

- first of all the step file provided by you is full of errors (see attached picture) and that's why the decompose, dissect features do not work.
- second is that the geometry is indeed very complex and no way suited for "classic" flotherm simulations. You could try instead flotherm XT or other software.
- third, to return to your question: yes it's possible to import such complex geometry into flotherm (see my second picture) but that led to the creation of more than 3500 cuboids!!! "just because you can doesn't mean you should"

Since you had another topic, I'm curious what's the purpose of learning flotherm. You want to do a specific simulation/project/ work related task or you do it for fun?
If your simulation is focusing in heat flow inside cylinders, holes and such complex geometry than you should change the tool. Flotherm is good ("probably the best ..." ) at simulating electronics (PCB's, IC's, enclosures...etc) and not heat caused by friction of a screw in a hole .

BR, Gabriel
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Old   November 25, 2016, 02:57
Gabriel Ciobanu
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...or you could always create a cylinder (max of 64 facets) directly in the project tree with your desired dimensions...
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Old   November 25, 2016, 04:24
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Thank you, Gabriel, for clarification. Sorry that my question was incorrect. Of course, I had in mind the conversion of complex sylindric geometry to the pure cylinder. You explained me that it would be much easier to create it in Project Manager than to use a lot of commands provided in floMCAD.bridge. I tried to work out some "universal algorithm" to convert any construction to floTHERM, without resorting to manually creating the geometry in floTHERM. So I was wrong with such algorithm.

As for the purpose of learning floTHERM, a have a container with a power supply, complex PCB inside (imported to floTHERM from ExpeditionPCB) and other elements. So I am going to simulate what floTHERM was designed for. My initial questions were on the mechanical construction only and how floMCAD.bridge could deal with it.

Thank you for clarification,
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Old   November 25, 2016, 10:08
Gabriel Ciobanu
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Hello Oleg,

hmmmm... "complex PCB inside". That's like my bred and butter nowadays . You could drop an eye on this article that explains different PCB and components modeling fundamentals in classic flotherm:

Hope it helps.

Best regards, Gabriel
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