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Avoid ensight file corruption

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Old   September 16, 2015, 05:26
Unhappy Avoid ensight file corruption
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 98
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HHOS is on a distinguished road

I am having troubles exporting a transient case into ensight. When loading a variable, I always get an error such as

"ERROR: Unidentifiable line read in variable file: filename.scl2"

This error was discussed with no nice outcome in the following threat:

So, my question is, what is the best way to avoid the file corruption while exporting a transient calculation?

I understand that the ensight files are often open whenever Fluent requires to save the next time step, so I guess the corruption might come when starting and stopping the simulation to check it, or, of course, if I open the ensight file before it is finished (the ensight files are far too easily corruptible, I'd say). Is the option "save every time step in a separate file" safer?

I am asking just to know how people deal with this problems...

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Old   September 16, 2015, 14:41
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Marina Galvagni
Join Date: Apr 2014
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When exporting from Fluent in Case Gold format, as a general rule the "save every timestep in a separate file" is probably safer. It may avoid or reduce the risk of the data getting corrupt.

Given that the error appears to be in how Fluent exports into Case Gold format, you probably want to contact the Fluent support directly and have them look at the issue / fix this problem.

As a work-around, you can try to use the .cas and .dat files to read the transient solution - EnSight indeed has a direct Fluent reader. Typically, the EnSight Case Gold format gives you a better performance as it's designed to be optimized with EnSight, but in this case using the Fluent format can be a work-around.

Hope this helps.

Marina Galvagni
CEI Software Support Engineer
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corrupted, ensight, transient

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