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Save views and load them in another case

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Old   June 12, 2015, 10:06
Question Save views and load them in another case
Join Date: Jul 2013
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HHOS is on a distinguished road

One of the most useful things from CFD is to compare different cases with different setups. Because of that, when doing the post processing, you usually need to check the exact same part of the geometry and, often, make pictures to show the effect.

My problem: I do the post of the "Case_A" and, while doing every picture I need, I use the "Views manager" to be able to come back to every used view. Before closing Ensight when I am done, I "Save views" and keep the files somewhere. After time let's say that I make a small change in the geometry and I simulate the "Case_B", after doing the clips and whatever I need, I want to have exactly the same pictures as in the last "Case_A", I load the files I saved with the "Views manager" and ERROR... Ensight loads some views, but they never fit the views from the "Case_A"...

I have been looking through the help, getting crazy with the Frames, the Global Transforms, the Cameras and still didn't find out how to solve the problem...

Any suggestion?

Thank you very much.
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Old   June 12, 2015, 11:58
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Marina Galvagni
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The view files will save information on the view from / view at point, orientation and zoom factor of the camera. These are the only information contained in the files. So, no info on the geometry of the model is there - the view won't rescale if your model is larger, for example.

Please note that when you restore view files, you need to select the directory where the view files are, not the files. And, the view files need to contain "view" in their filenames, in order to be recognized by EnSight. So, if you re-name them, keep "view" in their filename.

I've put at the link:

a screenshot movie of how to generate and restore views. Note that I'm selecting the directory with the views both when I save and when I restore them.

Finally, if the models that you are analyzing are similar (same number of parts with same part names, same variables), you may want to consider saving and restoring context files, instead of views, if you want to restore all the analysis you've done (instead of only the views).

Let me know if you still have problems or questions.
Best Regards,

Marina Galvagni
CEI Software Support Engineer
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Old   June 14, 2015, 14:15
Join Date: Jul 2013
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Hi Marina,

Thanks for your fast reply, I appreciate that

I don't know if I explained myself properly in the first post. I explain it with a couple of pictures. Let's a assume that both case 1 and 2 are just cubes and we are watching the front view.

I do zoom in the Case 1 until I see what is inside the dotted line square, I make a new view with the manager, save the file and close Ensight.

Then I open the Case 2, which is just a bigger cube, with the origin located in the same corner, the one I am looking at. When I load the view file saved previously, I don't get the same view. I check the View from and Look at, and they are the same, but something is not working...

Thank you very much for your help.
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Old   June 15, 2015, 14:50
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Marina Galvagni
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When you are restoring the views, there is a button that you can toggle on or off: "Rescale views". If it's toggled on, then the views are rescaled taking into account the dimension of the model. If it's toggled off, then the original view is restored as it was - same look at / look from points.

From your explanation, it sounds like you want to have the "Rescale views" toggles off, as you want to be looking at the same physical window regardless of the dimension of the model.

In attachment, and image of where this toggle is.
Please let us know if you have more questions.

Best Regards,

Marina Galvagni
CEI Software Support Engineer
Attached Images
File Type: png rescale_view.PNG (39.7 KB, 136 views)
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Old   June 16, 2015, 03:37
Join Date: Jul 2013
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Wow Marina,

Thank you very very much! I have been a really long time reworking old cases to get the same views :P I guess that was the only button I didn't touch to achieve the goal

It will be much faster now

Kind regards.
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case comparison, ensight, views, views manager

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