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out-file interpretation: interpolation mapping

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  • 1 Post By ghorrocks

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Old   August 9, 2022, 11:20
Default out-file interpretation: interpolation mapping
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I adapt a steady state simulation for a transient run and used the simulation result as initial condition for a transient run.
For the transient run I used profile transformation, therefore I had to copy a domain(mesh) 12 times with Turbo-Rotation.

In CFX-Pre at Simulation Control/Execution Control I defined the initial conditions. I added an Interpolation Mapping Object (TurboRot 12x) for the selected Domain and started the Simulation.

Currently the Simulation is running, but I have a question about how to interpret the following lines in the .out-file:

Total Number of Nodes in the Target Domain = 8162613
Bounding Box Volume of the Target Mesh = 1.80652E-03

Checking user defined source locations from
"Initial Values 1: Interpolation Mapping 2":

Searching for Candidate Source Domains:
Loop over all copies from domain "DLPT"
defined in "Initial Values 1: Interpolation Mapping 2":
Copy No. 1:
Number of Mapped Nodes = 691510 ( 8.5%)
Bounding Box Overlap Volume = 2.26829E-04 ( 12.6%)
Copy No. 2:
Number of Mapped Nodes = 691510 ( 8.5%)
Bounding Box Overlap Volume = 2.30252E-04 ( 12.7%)
Copy No. 3:
Number of Mapped Nodes = 691510 ( 8.5%)
Bounding Box Overlap Volume = 2.46616E-04 ( 13.7%)
Copy No. 4:
Number of Mapped Nodes = 691510 ( 8.5%)
Bounding Box Overlap Volume = 2.66410E-04 ( 14.7%)
Copy No. 5:
Number of Mapped Nodes = 691510 ( 8.5%)
Bounding Box Overlap Volume = 2.85923E-04 ( 15.8%)
Copy No. 6:
Number of Mapped Nodes = 691510 ( 8.5%)
Bounding Box Overlap Volume = 3.04286E-04 ( 16.8%)
Copy No. 7:
Number of Mapped Nodes = 691510 ( 8.5%)
Bounding Box Overlap Volume = 3.21365E-04 ( 17.8%)
Copy No. 8:
Number of Mapped Nodes = 691510 ( 8.5%)
Bounding Box Overlap Volume = 3.37036E-04 ( 18.7%)
Copy No. 9:
Number of Mapped Nodes = 691510 ( 8.5%)
Bounding Box Overlap Volume = 3.51186E-04 ( 19.4%)
Copy No. 10:
Number of Mapped Nodes = 691510 ( 8.5%)
Bounding Box Overlap Volume = 3.63711E-04 ( 20.1%)
Copy No. 11:
Number of Mapped Nodes = 691510 ( 8.5%)
Bounding Box Overlap Volume = 3.74517E-04 ( 20.7%)
Copy No. 12:
Number of Mapped Nodes = 691510 ( 8.5%)
Bounding Box Overlap Volume = 3.83525E-04 ( 21.2%)

| ****** Notice ****** |
| |
| The solution field on the target domain will be interpolated from |
| multiple source domains. Only variables from the primary source |
| domain "DLPT" will be interpolated. |
| The interpolator will neglect solution variables from other source |
| domains unless they can also be found in the primary one. |
Setting Up Unmapped Nodes:
Number of Unmapped Nodes = 816 ( 0.0%)

Number of mapped nodes … 100/12 results in 8,5%, which I think I understand.
But what does Bounding Box Overlap Volume mean? It increases with every mapping step? Actually there should be no overlap between the interpolation objects.

Also at the end “Number of Unmapped Nodes” I don’t understand what that means either.

Thanks in advance,

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Old   August 9, 2022, 19:55
Super Moderator
Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
You would probably be better advised to look at the result of the interpolation and check the result is OK.

Do this by saving a result file at time step = 0. This will include the result of the interpolation, so you can check that the result it gives you is OK.
ckm2 likes this.
Note: I do not answer CFD questions by PM. CFD questions should be posted on the forum.
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interpolation mapping, interpretation, out-file

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