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How can I export transient results data to EXCEL

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Old   August 21, 2007, 17:00
Default How can I export transient results data to EXCEL
Posts: n/a
Hi everybody

I'm trying to export results ( different variables ) to an excel table in a transient simulation, and I found it imposible. How can I make it? I tried to do a table in CFX-post, but this way I only create a table with differents values of variables but of a single timestep. I can't obtain a variable along all the simulationtime. I've done this, without problems, with a chart. But I wanted an easy way to take this numerical values of variables in different timesteps, and not graphically.

How can I do this???

thanks all

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Old   August 21, 2007, 19:50
Default Re: How can I export transient results data to EXC
Glenn Horrocks
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You could either script CFX-Post to do it or you could set a monitor point to show the value and export it from the solver manager.

Glenn Horrocks
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Old   August 22, 2007, 08:06
Default Re: How can I export transient results data to EXC
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You can plot monitor points for your variables in solver manager and export this plot data as a csv(comma separated value) file,which can be opened in excel.

regards, Pankaj.
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Old   August 27, 2007, 17:28
Default Re: How can I export transient results data to EXC
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If you know how to plot of chart. It would be easy.

What you can do is first create a POINT where the variable is needed to be plotted with respect to time.

Then Create a chart. Use the "TIME" option instead of "XY" on the first window that opens when you click the create chart button!

You can pick the POINT you want to plot results on. Pick the variable you need to plot.

You can directly see the result w.r.t time! You can export to .csv and view it in Excel!

I hope this is what you needed!

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Old   August 30, 2007, 13:58
Default Re: How can I export transient results data to EXC
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thanks a lot to all
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Old   September 15, 2009, 11:23
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Coen Wit
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Originally Posted by Glenn Horrocks
You could either script CFX-Post to do it or you could set a monitor point to show the value and export it from the solver manager.
Sorry to kick this very old topic, but it helped me to manually do what I want: export a monitored value in a certain time-range to a .csv file.

I've created an expression for the Drag-coefficient in cfx-pre, create a separate monitor point in the solver manager. Set the horizontal scale of this monitor to 'time' for a defined range and can then export this data to a .csv file. Afterwards there is still some manual work to get max and min values and the time-averaged coefficient.

Is there any way to do this in a scripted fashion directly at runtime?

I've looked at cfx5cmds and cfx5solve -help but they give no help on exporting . cfx5export is aimed at exporting to other CFD packages, not .csv files.

I've seen some mention of similar issues which were resolved using session files, python/perl scripting by iteratively reading in .trn files. Since I'm not familiar yet with scripting of post-processing I've not tried this, but it seems like overkill if the solver gives direct access to the data I need.
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Old   October 15, 2009, 08:37
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Hello Coen,

I think Iīm trying to solve the same problem as you say.

As I see in the Solver Manager guide, Drag Force is the addition of Viscous and Pressure force values over the x axis that the .out file gives you at the end of the simulation.

The point is that I donīt know if these values are the maximum values (as the Force values vary for different time steps) over the wall for the whjole simulation...and also, for the Morison equation, force in the x axis is the addition of drag and inertial forces...?ŋ

Finally, I order CFX to simulate with batch files but I donīt know the expression to save the monitor point results

Do you have any idea?

Thank you in advance
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Old   February 21, 2014, 20:02
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i have a doubt regarding storing of data from the fluent results cell. Suppose i have to collect the data(say area weighted temp) at 3 surfaces(say) i usually go to report fluxes and print them in TUI, then i copy them one by one into excel(i want to store the values in excel). I have to do this every time for each of the fluent cases i run. I would like to know if there is another way of doing this which isn't so time consuming. Also is it possible to store these values in an other software(say matlab).Many many thanks for replying.

with regards
Chandra Sekhar

Originally Posted by Glenn Horrocks

You could either script CFX-Post to do it or you could set a monitor point to show the value and export it from the solver manager.

Glenn Horrocks
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Old   February 22, 2014, 05:31
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
Try the fluent forum.
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