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[CFX] one domain & several initial condition

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Old   August 17, 2021, 05:19
Default [CFX] one domain & several initial condition
Jin Seok Lee
Join Date: Aug 2021
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Dear experts

I am korean CFD user
I am going to simulate about VAC(Ventilation Air Conditioning) using CFX program.
I made mixture's material which was consist of N2, O2, Ar, CO2, H2O
because I need to know mass fraction about CO2, H2O for result.

Now, there is one domain for fluid zone and I need to set several initial condition because they are different according to coordinate.
I want to divide 4 pats using CEL expression to set initial condition

For example
IF ( 0 [mm] < x < 2000[mm], 0 [mm] < z < 2000[mm], co2 mass fraction = 0.0018
IF ( 0 [mm] < x < 2000[mm], 0 [mm] < z < 2000[mm], H2O mass fraction = 0.0018

Could you give some ideas for me?
Thank you for reading my question
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Old   August 17, 2021, 15:11
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you could try:
Opaque and aero_head like this.
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Old   August 17, 2021, 21:07
Jin Seok Lee
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Thank you for replying my question

that's good to me

But I am not sure that your advise is adequate.

I need to set 4 initial condition

1. o[mm] < x < 2705[mm], 0[mm] < z < 3460[mm] --> H2O: 0.018, CO2:0.02, T: 30[C]
2. 2705[mm] < x < 6940[mm], 0[mm] < z < 3460 [mm] --> H2O:0.017, CO2:0.019, T: 29[C]
3. 0[mm] < x < 2580[mm], 3460[mm] < z < 6440 [mm] --> H2O:0.016, CO2:0.018, T: 28[C]
4. 2705 [mm] < x < 4340 [mm], 3460[mm] < z < 5962[mm] --> H2O:0.015, CO2:0.017, T:27[C]

I think it is difficult to set 4 initial condition by using IF

Is is possible to set initial conditions by using IF?

Also I am not sure about considering coordinate X, Z only because fluid zone is 3d geometry

But I only considered coordinate of X, Z

is it make matter?

Thank you for reading my question and I hope to answer

Last edited by jins9158; August 18, 2021 at 02:04.
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Old   August 18, 2021, 03:34
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
Can't you just have 4 statement's like Erik's suggestion to cover your 4 zones? It does not look that hard.

Alternately, you can use 1D or 3D interpolation functions or write a user fortran routine to do it. You can also fit a curve to the function and put the fitting function in as a CEL expression. So you have lots of alternative ways of doing it.

Yes, you can set initial conditions with if statements.

I do not understand your comments about considering X and Z. I do not know what you are trying to model so I cannot say if that is appropriate.
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Old   August 18, 2021, 04:06
Jin Seok Lee
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Originally Posted by ghorrocks View Post
Can't you just have 4 statement's like Erik's suggestion to cover your 4 zones? It does not look that hard.

Alternately, you can use 1D or 3D interpolation functions or write a user fortran routine to do it. You can also fit a curve to the function and put the fitting function in as a CEL expression. So you have lots of alternative ways of doing it.

Yes, you can set initial conditions with if statements.

I do not understand your comments about considering X and Z. I do not know what you are trying to model so I cannot say if that is appropriate.


I had mistake

I need to set initial condition each about co2, h2o, T

They need to change according to coordinates same as below.

1. o[mm] < x < 2705[mm], 0[mm] < z < 3460[mm] --> H2O: 0.018, CO2:0.02, T: 30[C]
2. 2705[mm] < x < 6940[mm], 0[mm] < z < 3460 [mm] --> H2O:0.017, CO2:0.019, T: 29[C]
3. 0[mm] < x < 2580[mm], 3460[mm] < z < 6440 [mm] --> H2O:0.016, CO2:0.018, T: 28[C]
4. 2705 [mm] < x < 4340 [mm], 3460[mm] < z < 5962[mm] --> H2O:0.015, CO2:0.017, T:27[C]

And you gave me that "you couldn't understand about considering X and Z"

So, I answer your opinion.

My Fluid Zone is 3D model.
So, I think that I need to consider x, y, z coordinates to set initial condition
But, I just considered about X, Z coordinate.
It is right? I am not sure

I hope to give some ideas for me

Thank you
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Old   August 18, 2021, 04:17
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
If you are saying that your initial condition has 3D regions with difference mass fractions - then, yes, the if() statement approach can become a problem.

In that case a 3D interpolation function will work much better. Have a look at the 3D interpolation functions.
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Old   August 19, 2021, 05:27
Jin Seok Lee
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Originally Posted by ghorrocks View Post
If you are saying that your initial condition has 3D regions with difference mass fractions - then, yes, the if() statement approach can become a problem.

In that case a 3D interpolation function will work much better. Have a look at the 3D interpolation functions.

Thank you.

I will try using 3d interpolation function.
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