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Restart CFX simulation in batch mode using ccl

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Old   December 25, 2020, 08:48
Default Restart CFX simulation in batch mode using ccl
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Hi everyone,

I am running RANS-simulations in CFX 2020R2.
I did the setup of the simulation in CFX-Pre and created a .def-file from that: (RANS.def) which I then moved to the storage space on the cluster where I am working.

I use an .sh-script file ( to execute the simulation in batch mode on the cluster. Since my settings in CFX-Pre for the convergence criteria (RMS with 1E-4) and the max. iterations of 1000 lead to unsatisfying results, I would like to restart the simulation from the latest iteration which is 1000 and go further up to 2000 iterations. During the first run, the files "RANS_001.res", "RANS_001.out" and the folder "RANS_001/" containing the files "900_full.bak", "reread" and "trn" were created.

I've read in some forums that you can use "-inject-commands" in the .sh-script in order to change parts of the settings in the batch mode. Therefore, I adjusted my script and I created the file "newccl" that includes the code for setting the max. iterations up to 2000 and alterning the convergence criteria. Apart from that, I want to activate "double precision" from now on and so I used the command "-double" with the "cfx5solve"-command in my .sh-script.

When I execute the script, it seems to run properly but when I have a look into the newly created "RANS_002.out"-file I can see that double precision is activated while the settings to be changed using the "-inject-commands" function remain unaltered.

What do the files "" and "newccl" have to look like to make it work?
Thanks for your help!

Here you find the codes:

#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
#SBATCH --partition=multiple_e
#SBATCH --time=20:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=50000mb
#SBATCH --constraint=LSDF

## setup environment
module load cae/ansys/2020R2
source cfxinit
hostlist=$(srun hostname -s)
hostlist=`echo $hostlist| sed 's/ /,/g'`

## start cfx
cfx5solve -def RANS.def -continue-from-file RANS_001.res -par-dist $hostlist -double -start-method 'Open MPI Distributed Parallel'

## control cfx
cfx5control RANS_001 -inject-commands newccl -no-backup
FLOW: Flow Analysis 1
Maximum Number of Iterations = 2000
Conservation Target = 0.01
Residual Target = 0.00001
Residual Type = RMS
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Old   December 26, 2020, 06:29
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Glenn Horrocks
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I am not familiar with the command line argument "-continue-from-file". I have never used it. That does not mean it does not work, it just means I have no knowledge of it.

I use the "-initial" argument to set an initial condition for a cfx5solve run. Works for me. If you want to change the CCL before you start then do a "cfx5cmds -write -def DefinitionFile.def -text CCLFile.ccl" before you do the cfx5cmds. There are lots of other ways to do it but this is the way I do it and it works for me.
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Old   December 29, 2020, 16:37
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Thanks a lot!

It worked with the command line you supposed (cfx5cmds -write -def DefinitionFile.def -text CCLFile.ccl). The only thing I had to change in addition was to put the entire source code from CFX-Pre into my new "newccl"-file and not only the part containing the settings that I wanted to change.
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