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Export transient data of a plane as .csv

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  • 1 Post By ShbnmM

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Old   November 6, 2019, 22:46
Default Export transient data of a plane as .csv
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Dear all,
I have simulated a transient case and now in cfx-post, I need the data of a specific plane for each time steps, I have the .trn files but I need .csv.
In fact it is easy to get time series of a point or .csv of the plane in just certain time, but I want to get velocity and temperature data of that plane for different time steps as .csv .
I found out I should do by sessions and I have prepared *.cse and I added following lines to get data, but I can just get the .csv file of the last time step.

Thanks in advance for the help,

! $List=getValue(“DATA READER”,”Timestep List”);
! print “$List \n”;
! @Wert=split(/, /,$List);
! foreach $List(@Wert){
> load timestep = $List
! print “calculating for TIMESTEP $List \n”;
! ($time, $timeunits) = evaluate(“Time”);
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Old   November 7, 2019, 17:22
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Glenn Horrocks
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I suspect then you have not put the export to csv command inside your loop over the trn files.

I recommend you record a session file which does the first couple of csv exports. So load the first the trn file, export the csv, load the second trn file, export the csv file. Then you can see the syntax of all these commands and that might help you generate it.

A final point - I am not a perl user so I don't use the perl operations to do looping and other programming functions. I prefer to use python to generate a session file which is pure CFD-Post session file with no perl - all the looping, conditional stuff and other programming operations are done in python. It also makes checking the session file much easier in my humble opinion.
Note: I do not answer CFD questions by PM. CFD questions should be posted on the forum.
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Old   November 7, 2019, 21:35
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Originally Posted by ghorrocks View Post
I suspect then you have not put the export to csv command inside your loop over the trn files.

I recommend you record a session file which does the first couple of csv exports. So load the first the trn file, export the csv, load the second trn file, export the csv file. Then you can see the syntax of all these commands and that might help you generate it.

A final point - I am not a perl user so I don't use the perl operations to do looping and other programming functions. I prefer to use python to generate a session file which is pure CFD-Post session file with no perl - all the looping, conditional stuff and other programming operations are done in python. It also makes checking the session file much easier in my humble opinion.
Thank you so much for your kind reply.
I think it is better that I use Python which sounds nice for preparing the *.cse and I will try to get that data.
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