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How can I specify mass flow rate as inlet bc and domain press. info. at same time?

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Old   December 23, 2018, 21:11
Default How can I specify mass flow rate as inlet bc and domain press. info. at same time?
Soumitra Vadnerkar
Join Date: Aug 2018
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There is a fluid flowing inside a tube and the pressure (3MPa) in the tube is given.

I have also given mass flow rate value at inlet.

How can I define both of the properties in CFX-Pre?
Should I put domain reference pressure as 3MPa (and 0 relative pressure as initial condition)?


should I put initial condition as 3MPa relative pressure and 0MPa as domain reference pressure?
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Old   December 24, 2018, 02:56
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Glenn Horrocks
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ghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really niceghorrocks is just really nice
You cannot specify pressure and velocity at an inlet.

Some options include:
* Specify the pressure at the inlet and the mass flow at the outlet
* Specify the mass flow rate at the inlet and the pressure at an outlet. If the simulation is incompressible you can then simply offset the pressure field to a 3MPa inlet pressure. If the simulation is compressible you may need to try a few outlet pressures until the inlet pressure is correct.
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domain boundary condition, initial conditions, pressure, reference pressure

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