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What's the meaning of this error

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Old   December 17, 2002, 11:58
Default What's the meaning of this error
Posts: n/a
Hi ,

I am trying to model the geometry with two periodic pair boundary conditions (one periodic pair for each inlet-outlet pair; there are two inlets and two outlets in the geometry). I used the import mesh mode and imported two solids (which acts as two-domains). Since i defined the periodic pair at inlet and outlet, i can't define any other B.C at inlet and outlet. So i defined resistance coefficient to model the pressure drop. In solver i am getting following error. Can any body tell me why i might be getting this error and what's the solution for that? Sorry for going on.

Thanks Swapnil.

+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Memory Usage Information | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

Data Type Kwords Words/Node Kbytes Bytes/Node

Real 3112.3 686.44 12157.5 2745.77 Integer 729.2 160.83 2848.5 643.33 Character 869.4 191.75 849.0 191.75 Logical 10.0 2.21 39.1 8.82 Double 16.0 3.53 125.0 28.23

+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Total Number of Nodes, Elements, and Faces | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

Domain Name : upper

Total Number of Nodes = 2270

Total Number of Elements = 5985

Total Number of Tetrahedrons = 3495

Total Number of Prisms = 2490

Total Number of Faces = 1260

Domain Name : lower

Total Number of Nodes = 2264

Total Number of Elements = 5979

Total Number of Tetrahedrons = 3499

Total Number of Prisms = 2480

Total Number of Faces = 1252

Domain Interface Name : fluid

Non-overlap area fraction on side 1 = 1.0 %

Non-overlap area fraction on side 2 = 1.0 %

+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Average Scale Information | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

Domain Name : upper

Global Length = 8.8492E-06

Density = 1.2840E+00

Dynamic Viscosity = 1.7250E-05

Velocity = 0.0000E+00

Domain Name : lower

Global Length = 8.8492E-06

Density = 1.2840E+00

Dynamic Viscosity = 1.7250E-05

Velocity = 0.0000E+00

+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | The Equations Solved in This Calculation | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

Subsystem Name : Momentum and Mass









Subsystem Name : TurbKE and Diss.K





CFD Solver started: Tue Dec 17 09:48:35 2002

+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Convergence History | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

================================================== ==================== ! Timescale Information ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Equation | Type | Timescale ! +----------------------+------------------------+--------------------+ ! U-Mom-upper | Auto Timescale | 5.77599E-06 ! ! V-Mom-upper | Auto Timescale | 5.77599E-06 ! ! W-Mom-upper | Auto Timescale | 5.77599E-06 ! ! P-Mass-upper | Auto Timescale | 5.77599E-06 ! +----------------------+------------------------+--------------------+ ! U-Mom-lower | Auto Timescale | 5.77599E-06 ! ! V-Mom-lower | Auto Timescale | 5.77599E-06 ! ! W-Mom-lower | Auto Timescale | 5.77599E-06 ! ! P-Mass-lower | Auto Timescale | 5.77599E-06 ! +----------------------+------------------------+--------------------+ ! K-TurbKE-upper | Auto Timescale | 5.77599E-06 ! +----------------------+------------------------+--------------------+ ! K-TurbKE-lower | Auto Timescale | 5.77599E-06 ! +----------------------+------------------------+--------------------+ ! E-Diss.K-upper | Auto Timescale | 5.77599E-06 ! +----------------------+------------------------+--------------------+ ! E-Diss.K-lower | Auto Timescale | 5.77599E-06 ! +----------------------+------------------------+--------------------+

================================================== ==================== OUTER LOOP ITERATION = 1 CPU SECONDS = 2.61E+00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Equation | Rate | RMS Res | Max Res | Linear Solution | +----------------------+------+---------+---------+------------------+

+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | *** INSUFFICIENT MEMORY ALLOCATED *** | | |

| Action required : Increase the integer stack memory size. | | |

| If the situation persists please contact the CFX Customer Helpline |

| giving the following details:- | | | | Requested space: 266912 words | | |

| Current allocated space: 729214 words |

| Current used space: 473203 words |

| Current free space: 256011 words | | Number of free areas: 1 | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

Details of error:- ---------------- Error detected by routine MAKDAT CDANAM = LCON CDTYPE = INTR ISIZE = 266912 CRESLT = FULL

Details of error:- ---------------- Error detected by routine MAKDIR CDRNAM = CopyDs CRESLT = ILEG

Details of error:- ---------------- Error detected by routine POPDIR CRESLT = ILEG An error has occurred in cfx5solve:

The CFX-5 solver exited with return code 1. No results file has been created.

End of solution stage. Warning!

The CFX-5 Solver has written a crash recovery file. This file has been saved as C:\temp\packing_003.res.err and may be an aid to diagnosing the problem or restarting the run. More details should be available in the solver output section of the output file.

This run of the CFX-5 Solver has finished.
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Old   December 17, 2002, 20:57
Default Re: What's the meaning of this error
Posts: n/a
Unfortunately I always meet such problem if my case has a great number of meshes. If I use a small size model with less meshes or nodes, it works. I do not know why. Now I am trying to check FLUENT whether it can work or not. I am looking forward to someone else can answer us such problem.

Cheers David
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Old   December 19, 2002, 20:51
Default Re: What's the meaning of this error
Posts: n/a

You need to increase the integer space that the solver is allocating. Note the part that says: "Action required : Increase the integer stack memory size". This means you.

You can do this in the solver manager. Click the "Advanced Controls" check box on the bottom of the panel, and two more tabs should come up. In the solver tab there is a section for controlling the memory allocation. Enter a multiplier for the integer workspace as it describes on the panel. Try 1.2x for example.

sadjad.s likes this.
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