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Obtain local volume at node/vertex in user routine

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  • 1 Post By honcho62

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Old   January 18, 2016, 05:22
Default Obtain local volume at node/vertex in user routine
Join Date: Jan 2016
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Hi again

I am assigning momentum to a certain number of nodes in a fluid domain. That momentum needs to be adjusted for how much the volume at that node inhabits the volumes of all nodes that have momentum assigned to them.

I have a FOR/DO loop, in a Fortran User Routine, that assigns these nodes their momentum. So I have been looking for a way to call up the volume that is related to X(ILOC),Y(ILOC),Z(ILOC). However, the routines I can find for Fortran such as USER_GET_MESH_INFO use the counter NVX, referring to total number of vertices. So the question is, are the vertices from that routine arranged the same way as X,Y,Z from ARGS(). Or ILOC = NVX

I know I could also call volcvol in CEL in CFX pre, but I need to know the total sum first, so I don't think it's a good idea to put this in CFX pre as such.
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Old   January 18, 2016, 06:14
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Glenn Horrocks
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Aren't source terms defined as per unit volume? If so then you don't need to adjust for cell volumes.
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Old   January 18, 2016, 06:54
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That may be so, but you're only applying this force on a small volume within the domain. And this smaller volume consists of several cells, so you'd have to distribute the force over these cells in a way that it would be a singular cell. It's not so much about dimension, more about fraction.
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Old   January 18, 2016, 07:07
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So if you get the total volume of the source from a CEL expression then you can get the per unit volume source and apply it as a constant source term.
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Old   January 18, 2016, 07:50
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Pretty much, so I need an equivalent Volume term for X(ILOC) etc that I can use in Fortran, the subroutine that I mentioned seems useful but it uses a different counter so I'm not sure if for the same index they refer to the same vertex.
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Old   January 18, 2016, 18:14
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If you have not already guessed, I am not very familiar with fortran in CFX so cannot directly answer your question. Maybe somebody else on the forum knows CFX fortran better than I and can answer your question.

But maybe my alternate approach can work - if you calculate the total volume as a CEL expression, then access that variable in fortran you can calculate the total volume that way.
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Old   January 19, 2016, 07:39
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Originally Posted by ghorrocks View Post
If you have not already guessed, I am not very familiar with fortran in CFX so cannot directly answer your question. Maybe somebody else on the forum knows CFX fortran better than I and can answer your question.

But maybe my alternate approach can work - if you calculate the total volume as a CEL expression, then access that variable in fortran you can calculate the total volume that way.
I'm aware, but thanks for all the help anyway. I put the post up there in the hope someone would know.

That might be a solution, but only if you can hold of the calculation of the force until it's done with the volume expression. I'll try it out, thanks!
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