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[ANSYS Meshing] Surface meshing in Fluent of Plate of Heat exchanger

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Old   June 29, 2024, 07:47
Default Surface meshing in Fluent of Plate of Heat exchanger
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Montadhar Guesmi
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Hello everyone,
I am trying to simulate the flow inside a plate and frame heat exchanger channel using ansys fluent with fluent meshing. The problem here is that it takes more than a day for the surface meshing and then the meshing is just interrupted with errors.
Error: The model contains self-intersections which could not be automatically repaired
Error Object: #f
I made an experience by meshing just a small periodic unit of the plate, it worked, but I want to mesh a full plate channel. Has anyone faced this problem before and has any tips or ideas?

snapshot from fluent meshing with settings:

Last edited by Monta_1994; July 1, 2024 at 03:20. Reason: more details to the post
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Old   July 2, 2024, 06:13
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Yes, self-intersections during meshing are a common problem in ANSYS Fluent, especially with complex geometries like plate and frame heat exchangers. Here are some tips and ideas to address the issue and improve your meshing process:

**1. Identify and Fix Self-Intersections:**

* **Geometry Check:** Use the design software you created the geometry in to meticulously check for any small gaps, slivers, or overlapping faces. These can lead to self-intersection errors.
* **Meshing Tools:** Utilize tools within ANSYS Fluent meshing to identify self-intersections. Look for options like "check geometry" or "detect self-intersections".
* **Boolean Operations:** If necessary, use Boolean operations in your CAD software to clean up the geometry by merging coincident faces or removing unwanted slivers.

**2. Refine Meshing Parameters:**

* **Global Sizing:** Adjust the global mesh size to a smaller value. A finer mesh can better capture the complex geometry of the heat exchanger channel.
* **Smoothing:** Enable mesh smoothing during the meshing process. This can help improve mesh quality and potentially resolve minor self-intersection issues.
* **Advanced Sizing:** Consider using more advanced sizing techniques like adaptive sizing or curvature-based sizing to refine the mesh in critical areas around the plates.

**3. Explore Alternative Meshing Strategies:**

* **Inflation Layers:** For the heat exchanger channel walls, consider using inflation layers to capture the boundary layer effects. This might require a separate mesh for the inflation layers.
* **Sweeping:** If your channel has a repetitive pattern, investigate using a sweeping meshing technique. This can be more efficient for periodic geometries.
* **Meshing Software Integration:** Consider integrating specialized meshing software with ANSYS Fluent. Some offer advanced algorithms better suited for complex geometries.

**4. Leverage Online Resources:**

* **ANSYS Documentation:** The ANSYS Fluent documentation is a valuable resource. Search for keywords like "self-intersection" or "meshing complex geometry" for specific guidance.
* **Online Forums:** Search online forums dedicated to ANSYS Fluent. You might find similar experiences and solutions shared by other users.
* **Community Resources:** The ANSYS community website might offer tutorials or best practices for meshing heat exchangers.

**Addressing the Specific Scenario:**

* Since meshing a small periodic unit worked, consider using a similar approach for the full channel. Mesh each periodic unit separately and then combine them using appropriate boundary conditions in Fluent.

By implementing these suggestions and exploring alternative meshing approaches, you should be able to overcome the self-intersection errors and achieve a successful mesh for your plate and frame heat exchanger channel simulation.
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Old   July 2, 2024, 07:10
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Montadhar Guesmi
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I appreciate your detailed tips to solve this issue. thank you so much
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fluent, meshing 3d, plate heat exchanger

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