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[ICEM] Import multi-block files

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Old   February 1, 2021, 07:35
Default Import multi-block files
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Adrian Chaves
Join Date: Sep 2020
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Dear all,

I am trying to import a structured multi-block grid into ICEM CFD. However, I am having problems with the format of the input files.

It is an open-source multi-block grid of the Common Research Model aircraft with 115 blocks, created in ICEM CFD. There are 115 dot files that look like this:

I do not really know what are these kind of input files. I have noticed in the ICEM user's manual that, for solvers that accept multi-block meshes, there is an output feature that produces a mesh output file for every block in the topology model. I have tried uploading a similar mesh in CGNS format and when I save the project it generates a lot of files like the ones in the picture above. Thus, I assume the dot files contain the block information.

Does anybody know which is the format of these files and if they can be imported into ICEM CFD?

PS: if the files cannot be imported into ICEM CFD, I could discuss in more detail about other input files provided by the author to generate the mesh, which are all open source.

Thank you very much.


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Old   February 1, 2021, 12:09
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aero_head is on a distinguished road
Hello Adrian,

You are correct, those are mesh output files for every block in the topology model.

These mesh files are binary files that cannot be read with a Text editor (as they are not ASCII). They can indeed be imported into ICEM CFD. You can open those files and then export them in an ASCII format like Fluent or Nastran.

You probably need the .prj and .tin files (at minimum) as well to open these in ICEM.

Here is a thread discussing similar information: How can i read mesh files made with ICEM? I want use them for my own code
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