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[ICEM] Minimum Orthogonal Quality when imported to FLUENT

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Old   July 9, 2018, 13:19
Default Minimum Orthogonal Quality when imported to FLUENT
Join Date: Aug 2011
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pchoopanya is on a distinguished road

I am using ICEM CFD as a mesher to inputto FLUENT for my CFD simulation.

As I understand the most important criterion for mesh quality that FLUENT cares the most is ORTHOGONAL QUALITY and the minimum value should not fall below 0.01

However, when assessing the mesh quality in ICEM CFD, there are several criteria to choose from but non of them corresponds to the ORTHOGONAL QUALITY in FLUENT.

So, the only way to check this is to import the mesh into FLUENT to check the minimum orthogonal quality - which is time-consuming.

Is there a way to assess FLUENT's orthogonal quality of the mesh while in ICEMCFD?

One thing I notice is that the orthogonal quality is ICEMCFD is not the same as FLUENT so which one should I care?

Also, the skewness (Equiangle skewness VS Erikson skewness) in ICEMCFD >>> what is the difference between them and which one is more important?

Any other tricks about assessing mesh quality using the tools given in ICEMCFD? What criteria are relevant and important?

Your suggestion would be much appreciated.

Best regards,

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Old   July 9, 2018, 17:51
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Gert-Jan will become famous soon enough
I never got into the details of the different qualities as defined in ICEM, CFX not Fluent. My experience is that in ICEM I always smooth on Quality up to "as high as possible":
- with only tets: 50 iterations up to quality 0.5 and repeat until it doesn't gets any better.
- with tets&Prisms: Step 1 - Freeze Prisms, smooth tets (& pyramids) 50 iterations up to quality 0.5 and repeat until it doesn't gets any better. Step 2 - Smooth prisms as well, 10 iterations up to 0.05.

Then in the final result, I can get away with qualities down to 0.001, when using CFX.
Fluent is less forgiven and requires 0.01 as absolute minimum. And then I mostly perform an additional smoothing in Fluent as well.

Hope this helps.
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Old   November 7, 2020, 00:29
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Zhan Qiu
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qiuzhan1995 is on a distinguished road
it seem that after you convert pre-mesh to unstructure Mesh, u can check orthogonal quality in Edit mesh/display mesh quality
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