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[ANSYS Meshing] Meshing an airfoil with thickness (span)

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Old   May 14, 2018, 20:05
Default Meshing an airfoil with thickness (span)
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I am trying to mesh an airfoil with span or depth, but i don't know what is the appropriate method to do that, all the tutorials on youtube are for airfoils with zero thickness or with zero depth or span. I have tried several techniques to mesh it but every time i end up with a skewness ratio 0.85-0.99 which is very bad and unacceptable.
I have tried the following techniques:
1) sizing the airfoil edges and inflating the geometry ( selecting the two faces of the geometry as the "Geometry" and the edges of the airfoil as the "Boundary".

2) sizing the airfoil edges and inflating the geometry ( selecting the whole body as the "Geometry" and the inner faces of the airfoil (inside it) as the "Boundary".

3) I have also tried the use "Method" as tetrahedrons with patch confirming method and patch independent,, when using the it as patch independent, i get a skewness of 0.73 but when i add inflation the skewness blows up to 0.99


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Old   May 18, 2018, 13:36
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let's divide you're problem into two parts,
first meshing the surface , second meshing the extruded faces (in z-direction), which is possible to do using insert>method>sweep
and now you gotta only deal with meshing the face (your xy plane), which is exactly same as the plenty of tutorials available online
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Old   May 18, 2018, 13:39
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Originally Posted by amin.z View Post
let's divide you're problem into two parts,
first meshing the surface , second meshing the extruded faces (in z-direction), which is possible to do using insert>method>sweep
and now you gotta only deal with meshing the face (your xy plane), which is exactly same as the plenty of tutorials available online
Thanks alot for your reply, I will follow your advice and let you know the result.

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Old   May 20, 2018, 12:52
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Originally Posted by amin.z View Post
let's divide you're problem into two parts,
first meshing the surface , second meshing the extruded faces (in z-direction), which is possible to do using insert>method>sweep
and now you gotta only deal with meshing the face (your xy plane), which is exactly same as the plenty of tutorials available online
I followed your instructions and used the sweep method as you said, but unfortunately, the sweep method cancels and deactivates any "inflation" i make around the airfoil, it also cause an error if tried to make a structured mesh using "mapped faces" option.

do you have any other ideas ?
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Old   May 20, 2018, 15:51
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Originally Posted by Synchronous View Post
I followed your instructions and used the sweep method as you said, but unfortunately, the sweep method cancels and deactivates any "inflation" i make around the airfoil, it also cause an error if tried to make a structured mesh using "mapped faces" option.

do you have any other ideas ?

well, let's focus on the sweep operator, what does the sweep do? it simply takes the nodes on a face (which could be either defined by the user or detected automatically) and uses them as a pattern and copies them along the path. That means you just need to mesh the desired surface and let the sweep take care of the 3D domain. Therefore, if you had to earlier choose a body and a face for inflation, now you only gotta select the face and edge. remember, first we only deal with the face meshing. so it's totally obvious that the user cannot simultaneously use a 3D inflation and sweep
about the second problem, I guess it's due to the wrong setup which is in contrary to sweep. Are you only using the "mapped face" for ONE aforementioned face?

check the attached
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Old   May 20, 2018, 21:41
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Originally Posted by amin.z View Post
well, let's focus on the sweep operator, what does the sweep do? it simply takes the nodes on a face (which could be either defined by the user or detected automatically) and uses them as a pattern and copies them along the path. That means you just need to mesh the desired surface and let the sweep take care of the 3D domain. Therefore, if you had to earlier choose a body and a face for inflation, now you only gotta select the face and edge. remember, first we only deal with the face meshing. so it's totally obvious that the user cannot simultaneously use a 3D inflation and sweep
about the second problem, I guess it's due to the wrong setup which is in contrary to sweep. Are you only using the "mapped face" for ONE aforementioned face?

check the attached
Thanks for reply, I did what you said and it works, but unfortunately i get a skewness ratio of 0.89 which is horrible, i mapped each face separately and made the inflation for each face separately and used the sweep method as you said, but the problem with the mesh quality!! which i don't know how to improve it and this is the problem from the beginning!
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Old   May 21, 2018, 03:44
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There’s a point in ANSYS Meshing which I wonder why we have
to deal with this restriction, [we cannot use an inflation with “mapped face”], I don’t know the reason. Therfore you have to pick one of ‘em. I personally prefer to use mapped face and use a separate thin block near to the wall with a very small value of cells height for modelling the wall effect
About the skewness, yeah, that’s a potential problem in meshing flow around airfoils, it depends on the airfoil type, though. You most likely gotta use sub-blocks to have a good mesh, especially if your airfoil is not symmetric, just look it up online, there are so many tutorials online on how to mesh a 2D airfoil, after that u just need to use sweep for extruding the nodes in normal direction
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