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[ICEM] Multiple cell zone creation problem in ICEM

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Old   February 26, 2018, 07:25
Default Multiple cell zone creation problem in ICEM
Join Date: Oct 2017
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I am trying to simulate aeroacoustics of a blade using the Fwocs-Williams Hawkings model with a “permeable surface” in Fluent. I have made a 2D mesh in ICEM but I am having troubles with defining an additional second cell zone apart from the usual solid or fluid. The zone needs to be such that it covers the regions around the blade and its wake. That said, the zone needs to be of the the same fluid which would be in the entire domain. The numerical domain is rectangular in shape, has pressure-inlet, pressure-outlet, translational periodicity on top and bottom and no-slip walls on the balde. I have tried making a body in ICEM by adding the blocks(using "add to part") around the blade and it’s wake to the created body. Following the usual procedure, I convert it to unstructured mesh and then check for errors. At the interface between the created body and the rest of the mesh, it indicates “missing internal faces” error. It auto-fixes something but I don’t know how and what. I have checked the ICEM guide and this error is legitimate.Even after this error is fixed there are problems while importing the mesh to Fluent. No wonder, on importing the mesh to Fluent it displays the same error and aborts due to critical error. Before this, I have tried to import it without making any bodies and it imported properly. Is there anyway, I can fix this problem manually? I am pretty sure I am missing a step here. I have referred to a number of threads here but they only say create the bodies and that’s it.
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Old   February 27, 2018, 08:55
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Originally Posted by ishan_ae View Post
I am trying to simulate aeroacoustics of a blade using the Fwocs-Williams Hawkings model with a “permeable surface” in Fluent. I have made a 2D mesh in ICEM but I am having troubles with defining an additional second cell zone apart from the usual solid or fluid. The zone needs to be such that it covers the regions around the blade and its wake. That said, the zone needs to be of the the same fluid which would be in the entire domain. The numerical domain is rectangular in shape, has pressure-inlet, pressure-outlet, translational periodicity on top and bottom and no-slip walls on the balde. I have tried making a body in ICEM by adding the blocks(using "add to part") around the blade and it’s wake to the created body. Following the usual procedure, I convert it to unstructured mesh and then check for errors. At the interface between the created body and the rest of the mesh, it indicates “missing internal faces” error. It auto-fixes something but I don’t know how and what. I have checked the ICEM guide and this error is legitimate.Even after this error is fixed there are problems while importing the mesh to Fluent. No wonder, on importing the mesh to Fluent it displays the same error and aborts due to critical error. Before this, I have tried to import it without making any bodies and it imported properly. Is there anyway, I can fix this problem manually? I am pretty sure I am missing a step here. I have referred to a number of threads here but they only say create the bodies and that’s it.

It took me a while to get what you are trying to say: a few suggestions to improve your way of asking questions (if you don't mind me saying).

-> Try to break your paragraphs into parts so it will be easier for the eye.

-> post some pictures of your efforts.

-> circle problematic regions in those picture

Now, I have seen many people asking this question again and again on how to use multiple fluid zones and interfaces. I have a video here on my channel on how to do this from scratch. Here is a teaser pic attached as well.

Hope it will be helpful.
The video link is:


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