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[ICEM] interface problems_2D mesh with a rotational domain inside a static domain TO FLUENT

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Old   September 26, 2013, 13:38
Default interface problems_2D mesh with a rotational domain inside a static domain TO FLUENT
Join Date: Jul 2013
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I want to simulate a rotating domain inside a static one in a 2D case. I make the mesh with ICEM, and create two different parts for the two domains.

Then I build mesh topology by "create bars between shell parts", so I get bar elements in between, which I name as "interface_01".

The problem is that when I load it in FLUENT, I have two cell zones, but I cannot create a mesh interface because I only have one interface, and I need two.

I have search for a answer for a long time in the forums, but all I have found is related to the 3D and to "split internal wall", but since I am working in a 2D case, I don't know how to solve it!

Thank you very much.
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Old   September 26, 2013, 14:25
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Simon Pereira
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Off the top of my head, I can't think of a way to split them... But I can tell you the approach I usually take...

Because I am usually trying various impellers with the same outer flow region (or vice versa), I usually split the model and generate the meshes separately.

Then you just load both meshes into ICEM CFD at the same time and output to the solver.

Each part (the static and rotating) could come from the same model (easier to make sure everything is scaled and located correctly). Just save it twice and use one to generate the mesh for one part and the other for the other. You can leave all the geometry or delete the parts you don't need.

You already have your mesh, so if it is too much trouble to split the model and generate again (not sure how much interactive work you did), you could just save your combined mesh, then delete the shells in the rotating region and save as "static", then reload the combined mesh, delete the shells in the static region and save as "rotating", then close mesh and load int "rotating" and "static". It will combine them into one model, but you will have two layers of line elements between them. Save the project and output to solver.
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fluent, icem, interface domains, rotational grid

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