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[DesignModeler] Problems with non-manifold body

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Old   May 9, 2013, 10:38
Question Problems with non-manifold body
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I am working on an aerodynamic simulation of a car for my final project. I study Industrial Engineering.

Well, I have been provided with a CAD model of the car, a BMW z4, that I have to work on.

The problem I get is that I want to make a boolean the delete the volume of the car from the enclosure but I get an error that says that the body is non-manifold.

I have tried to fix up the model on the Design Modeler using Repair holes, merge elements and SurfPatch.. with no success.

I would appreciate if someone could give me some advice on how to fix up the model or I should load it some other software and give it a go.

Thank you in advance for your comments.

Last edited by Prak; May 9, 2013 at 10:40. Reason: I have realized that Im in the wrong forum.. Can a mod move it to ANSYS FLUENT subforum. Sorry! ;)
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Old   May 11, 2013, 07:28
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Im having big trouble now

I converted my .step file into a .stl using FreeCad. After, I loaded it on to MeshLab and I was able to detect and delete the non-monifold vertices that were on the model.

Now, If I load this new .stl file to design modeler it crashes or gives me an Fatal Failure Error. I can't convert this back to .step because it's not a solid..

I would appreciate if somebody could give me some advice on how to fix up my model

Best regards
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Old   May 11, 2013, 08:15
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If you are trying to delete the volume from the fluid domain, you could create the domain in your CAD program and then perform a volume cut of the car from that domain.

Then you have a volume with a hollowed out section that you can import straight into ANSYS.

That said, it might not be as easy as that given the complexity of the shape. There are a lot of people here that would know how to do it. I suggest providing pictures and files for people so they can get a better idea of what you are trying to do (and whats going wrong)
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Old   May 11, 2013, 08:17
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And poke around the forums a bit, from memory I recall seeing some people have similar problems not to long ago.
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Old   May 11, 2013, 18:03
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what are you using to perform the Boolean operation ? designmodelerr ? that error happens for me if you have 2d surfaces. you cannot do boolean operation with surfaces and 3d objects... you have to get rif of them. if you are using icem cfd later. just add the enclosure and transfer that to icem. you will then define those surfaces as interior walls. i joined a link of a small guide to this in my signature please take a look at it may be it will help you...
jjz2013 likes this.
New to ICEM CFD, try this document -->
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Old   June 10, 2013, 06:55
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Originally Posted by diamondx View Post
what are you using to perform the Boolean operation ? designmodelerr ? that error happens for me if you have 2d surfaces. you cannot do boolean operation with surfaces and 3d objects... you have to get rif of them. if you are using icem cfd later. just add the enclosure and transfer that to icem. you will then define those surfaces as interior walls. i joined a link of a small guide to this in my signature please take a look at it may be it will help you...

I send you a screenshot of DM so you can see how things are..
As you can see there is an error from the beginning of the import.. is this affecting all the posterior steps I am making?

I suppose that ICEM that you state is the meshing tool in the ANSYS workbench? I have googled it but it doesn't seem like the same thing I have.

I looked into your guide but I still haven't looked in great detail.

Please, I am open to suggestions and sorry about replying so late, I haven't had much time lately.

Best regards
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aerodynamic analysis, car, fluent, non-manifold

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