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[ICEM] Edit .msh file (Fluent) in ICEM CFD

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Old   February 13, 2013, 13:30
Default Edit .msh file (Fluent) in ICEM CFD
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Hi everyone,

I have limited experience with ICEM, and I am trying to do something that I thought was not too ambitious but after hours of looking online and trying things, I don't know if it can be done at all.

I have a ".msh" file from a Fluent tutorial, and I just need to modify it slightly to check something else (sort of developing what the tutorial covers).

I open the mesh file in ICEM (by File>Import Mesh>From Fluent). I then use the Edit Mesh tools as needed. No problems there.

The next step is where I get stuck. I cannot find a way to save it as a .msh file. I have read that you normally right-click on pre-mesh, convert to unstructured (or alternatively File>Mesh>Load from blocking) and then go to the output tab, select Fluent in the first tab, and then go to the 4th tab to save it as .msh.

Because I have imported it from the original .msh file, if I try to click "Load from blocking", it gives me the message "no blocking loaded". I do not have a pre-mesh in the tree view either. All it shows is a green tick on Parts and a grey tick on Mesh. Inside mesh there is a green tick on Subsets, no tick on Lines, and a green tick on Shells (and further inside Shells, there is a green tick on Quads).

Is there any way to obtain a .msh from my modified .msh? Am I missing any steps?

Many many thanks,


PS: I am using ICEM CFD 14.0
PSS: Additionally, apologies if this is not the place to post this thread, or if this has already been asked, I couldn't find anything around, but I might have missed it.
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Old   February 13, 2013, 20:38
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Something you have to know, once you imported the mesh, it is already considered as unstructured
You don't have to convert nor pre-mesh... Why you need to load a blocking from it ??
You did what you have to do, now go direclty to the output tab and save your msh file ... i guess it should work like this
New to ICEM CFD, try this document -->
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Old   February 14, 2013, 12:06
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Originally Posted by Keizers View Post
Hi everyone,

I have limited experience with ICEM, and I am trying to do something that I thought was not too ambitious but after hours of looking online and trying things, I don't know if it can be done at all.

I have a ".msh" file from a Fluent tutorial, and I just need to modify it slightly to check something else (sort of developing what the tutorial covers).

I open the mesh file in ICEM (by File>Import Mesh>From Fluent). I then use the Edit Mesh tools as needed. No problems there.

The next step is where I get stuck. I cannot find a way to save it as a .msh file. I have read that you normally right-click on pre-mesh, convert to unstructured (or alternatively File>Mesh>Load from blocking) and then go to the output tab, select Fluent in the first tab, and then go to the 4th tab to save it as .msh.

Because I have imported it from the original .msh file, if I try to click "Load from blocking", it gives me the message "no blocking loaded". I do not have a pre-mesh in the tree view either. All it shows is a green tick on Parts and a grey tick on Mesh. Inside mesh there is a green tick on Subsets, no tick on Lines, and a green tick on Shells (and further inside Shells, there is a green tick on Quads).

Is there any way to obtain a .msh from my modified .msh? Am I missing any steps?

Many many thanks,


PS: I am using ICEM CFD 14.0
PSS: Additionally, apologies if this is not the place to post this thread, or if this has already been asked, I couldn't find anything around, but I might have missed it.

You can try:

A: tetra mesh

1. Edit > Mesh > Factes : You will get geometry here.

2. Edit mesh > associate mesh and modifiy mesh and export.

B: Hexa mesh :

1. same as above

2. File > Blocking > Load from unstructured mesh.

3. Modify blocking as required. generate pre mesh and mesh

4. Select solver, apply BC and export mesh.
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Old   February 19, 2013, 13:16
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Did you find a way to export the mesh from ICEM CFD as an .msh file in order to use it in Fluent? I am still having issues doing this (I have tried every combination I can find).

For example:

File -> export Mesh -> To Ansys (this produces an .in file)
Output Tab -> Select Solver -> Output solver = Ansys
or Output solver = Fluent V6 (these both produce an .uns file)

Any help is much appreciated.
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Old   February 19, 2013, 18:53
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This has been covered many times before on this forum, please use the search tool.

1. Save .uns file (File>Mesh>Save Mesh)
2. Write .msh file (Output tab>Write Input {looks like a Rubix Cube!}). Then use Fluent_V6 or the new Ansys Fluent converter. Not sure what the difference is with the new converter.

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Old   February 24, 2013, 14:07
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Hi Ali, Far, ADQ, Stu,

Really sorry for not having replied earlier...I've been ill and did not have access to ansys so I could not try any of your suggestions.

I managed to do it the way Ali suggested. The funny thing is that I had already tried that... I actually don't know what I did different to what I was trying when I posted my question. It's a long time ago now so I can't remember if back then I followed a slightly different method.

Because Ali's method worked, I did not have the time to try yours Far, but many thanks in any case!

ADQ, I do go to File -> export Mesh, I use the output tab as Ali and Stu suggest.


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