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ANs Scripting with base.collectEntities

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Old   November 14, 2018, 05:43
Post ANs Scripting with base.collectEntities
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kishan Dholariya
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I want to Show the particular node numbers, that numbers I know.
there is error in my code.

TypeError: CollectEntities: argument 2 must be an iterable of ANSA objects.

here is my code
grids = base.CollectEntities(constants.NASTRAN, inc_gridlist1, "GRID")

whatshould be on the secondplace in base.collectentities ?
what is object in ANSA?

Last edited by Kdhol; November 14, 2018 at 12:19.
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Old   November 17, 2018, 08:32
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Hi Kdhol,

The second object in the CollectEntities function is the container from which ANSA will search to find the type of entities you are looking for. You have two options to pass: (1) "None" which will tell ANSA to search the entire domain or (2) a list of ANSA objects/entities to search from. See below for some examples.

For example, to find all "GRID" entities in the domain. The second object would be None:
all_grids = ansa.base.CollectEntities(ansa.constants.NASTRAN, None, "GRID")
Now, say you had a particular group of SHELLs (FE-Mesh) and you wanted to get the associated GRIDs. In this case, the second argument would be the list of SHELL entities to search from:
shells = [shell_1, shell_2, ..., shell_n] # List of SHELL entities, possibly gathered using the "CollectEntities" function
shell_grids = ansa.base.CollectEntities(ansa.constants.NASTRAN, shells, "GRID")
Also, looking at the code you provided, the two lines "ansa.base.All()" followed by "ansa.base.Invert()" cancel each other out. The first one shows all entities in the model and the second (invert) shows any object that isn't currently shown. This means that it would show nothing.

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Old   November 19, 2018, 08:45
Default Collecting Nodes using ANSA script
Mahmoud Aboukhedr
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If I understand correctly, you have a list of Nodes, and you want to show only this nodes using a script.

You will not be able to show only the (Nodes), but you will be able to show only the (faces that carry this node). So for example, if you have a list of two nodes for example (135, 141)
You can use this the script below to collect the nodes, then show only the nodes, which will give you the faces at which this node belongs.

     nodeID = [135,141] % list of nodes
     nodeID_1 = [] % empty list 
     for ID in nodeID:
         % collect the nodes in the empty list 
         nodeID_1.append(base.GetEntity(constants.NASTRAN, "GRID", ID)) 
     for i in nodeID_1:
         % print full information about the collected nodes 
     % show only the collected nodes
All the Best
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