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Mixed Mesh

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Old   November 21, 2017, 02:33
Post Mixed Mesh
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Ahmet Altmis
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Hi friends, I want to create a mixed mesh structure, but first apply '' hexamesh ''. If you can not apply '' hexamesh '', apply mixed mesh. Do I have a chance to do this?
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Old   March 14, 2018, 19:24
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Surface Meshing:
For surface meshes, ANSA's mixed-mesh is a quad dominant mesher meaning that it attempt so fit quads (ideally squares or rectangles) to the surface before triangles. It will use triangles when the element sizes are change (i.e. due to a growth rate) or in areas of poor quality quads where the quads may be split.

If you had a rectangle plate and used a mixed-mesh without refining any particular region (like an edge), this would default in a structured hex mesh. For more complex geometry, say a sphere, there would be both quads and triangles as the elements are fit to the surface.

Volume Meshing
If you are attempting to use different volume element types in different regions, you will need to create separated closed volumes and select the appropriate mesh type for each volume.

For example, say you have a channel and you want the first half of the channel to be tetra and the second half to be hexa-based. You will need to divide the channel into two regions (just placing a single dividing surface that is has triple cons with the channel walls). Then you can mesh either volume independently!

When using layers, regardless of the background mesh element type (hexa interior, hexa-poly, tetra), ANSA uses tetra to blend from the prism layers to the background mesh. In cases of hex-dominant background meshes, ANSA will attempt to put at two layers of tetra in between the background mesh and the prism layers. Keeping a smooth growth rate between the last layer of the prisms and the first cell in the background mesh is an important consideration for quality CFD!

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ansa, hexa meshing

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