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Main Cavity.f90 - Main modul

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!Sample program for solving Lid-Driven cavity test using SIMPLE-algorithm
! Main modul
!Copyright (C) 2010  Michail Kiričkov
! 2016 - I fixed some bugs
!This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
!modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
!as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
!of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

!This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
!but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!GNU General Public License for more details.

!You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
!along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
!Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

Program Main
include 'icomm_1.f90'
Dimension F_out(nx,ny),x_exct(30), v_exct(30)
Dimension              y_exct(30), u_exct(30)
Character  Filename*10
real qqq
iii = 150

	Call Ini 
	Call Grid_rectangular
	Call Geom
	Call Init_all_cavity

write(*,*) Yc(1,N_centr)
 read(*,*) qqq

x_exct(1)=0.0000   ; v_exct(1)= 0.00000
x_exct(2)=0.0625   ; v_exct(2)= 0.27485
x_exct(3)=0.0703   ; v_exct(3)= 0.29012                    
x_exct(4)=0.0781   ; v_exct(4)= 0.30353
x_exct(5)=0.0938   ; v_exct(5)= 0.32627
x_exct(6)=0.1563   ; v_exct(6)= 0.37095
x_exct(7)=0.2266   ; v_exct(7)= 0.33075
x_exct(8)=0.2344   ; v_exct(8)= 0.32235
x_exct(9)=0.5000   ; v_exct(9)= 0.02526
x_exct(10)=0.8047   ; v_exct(10)=-0.31966
x_exct(11)=0.8594   ; v_exct(11)=-0.42665
x_exct(12)=0.9063   ; v_exct(12)=-0.51550
x_exct(13)=0.9453   ; v_exct(13)=-0.39188
x_exct(14)=0.9531   ; v_exct(14)=-0.33714
x_exct(15)=0.9609   ; v_exct(15)=-0.27669
x_exct(16)=0.9688   ; v_exct(16)=-0.21388
x_exct(17)=1.0000   ; v_exct(17)=-0.00000

y_exct(1)=0.00000   ; u_exct(1)=-0.00000
y_exct(2)=0.0547    ; u_exct(2)=-0.18109
y_exct(3)=0.0625    ; u_exct(3)=-0.20196
y_exct(4)=0.0703    ; u_exct(4)=-0.22220
y_exct(5)=0.1016    ; u_exct(5)=-0.29730
y_exct(6)=0.1719    ; u_exct(6)=-0.38289
y_exct(7)=0.2813    ; u_exct(7)=-0.27805
y_exct(8)=0.4531    ; u_exct(8)=-0.10648
y_exct(9)=0.5000    ; u_exct(9)=-0.06080
y_exct(10)=0.6172    ; u_exct(10)=0.05702
y_exct(11)=0.7344    ; u_exct(11)=0.18719
y_exct(12)=0.8516    ; u_exct(12)=0.33304
y_exct(13)=0.9531    ; u_exct(13)=0.46604
y_exct(14)=0.9609    ; u_exct(14)=0.51117
y_exct(15)=0.9688    ; u_exct(15)=0.57492
y_exct(16)=0.9766    ; u_exct(16)=0.65928
y_exct(17)=1.0000    ; u_exct(17)=1.00000

    !D_max_V = max_V - 0.3709
    !D_min_V = min_V - 0.5155
    !D_max_U = max_U - 0.38290
	WRITE(55,*)'VARIABLES = "Iter", "Umin" , "Vmin" , "Vmax" , "Vmax_c", &
                            "Vmin_c" , "Umin_c" '
    WRITE(55,*)' ZONE F=POINT, I=', iii
	WRITE(56,*)'VARIABLES = "Iter", "D_Umin_pr" , "D_Vmin_pr" , "D_Vmax_pr" '
    WRITE(56,*)' ZONE F=POINT, I=', iii
! ------------------------------------------------
! 	Open(10,file='binary_dat_all.dat') 
!   read(10,*)F(:,:,1:5)
! 	close(10)
! ------------------------------------------------
Niter_last = 0
Niter_print = 0 
	Do 100 N_iter=1,iii
	N_golbal_iter = N_iter
    write(*,*) '------------------------',N_golbal_iter,'------------------------'
 	Call Solve_UV
    Call Solve_Pressure_Correction
    DO 7782 ij=1,NYmaxC      
		if(Xc(ij,N_centr) < 0.5) then
			max_V = MAX(max_V,F(ij,N_centr,2))
		end if	
		if(Xc(ij,N_centr) > 0.5) then
    		min_V = MAX(min_V,ABS(F(ij,N_centr,2)))
		end if	
		if(Yc(N_centr,ij) < 0.5) then
			max_U = MAX(max_U,ABS(F(N_centr,ij,1)))
		end if	
    7782 continue 		 
     write(55,*) N_golbal_iter, -1.*max_U, -1.*min_V, max_V &
                , '   0.3709   -0.5155   -0.38290'
    D_max_V = max_V - 0.3709
    D_min_V = min_V - 0.5155
    D_max_U = max_U - 0.38290
    D_max_V_pr = ( D_max_V / 0.3709 ) * 100.
    D_min_V_pr = ( D_min_V / 0.5155 ) * 100.
    D_max_U_pr = ( D_max_U / 0.38290) * 100.
    write(56,*) N_golbal_iter, D_max_U_pr, D_min_V_pr, D_max_V_pr 
    Niter_print = N_iter
	open (47,file='Domain_all.dat') 
	WRITE(47,*)'VARIABLES = "Xp", "Yp" , "Up" , "Vp" , "Pp" ' 
    WRITE (47,*)' ZONE I=' ,NXmaxC, ', J=', NYmaxC, ', F=POINT'
	DO 88 J=1, NYmaxC
	DO 88 I=1, NXmaxC
    WRITE (47,*) Xc(I,J), Yc(I,J) , F(i,j,1) , F(i,j,2) , F(i,j,4)   
  88     continue 	
end if
100 continue
	open (23,file='Profiles_V.dat') 
    WRITE(23,*)'VARIABLES = "Xcalc", "Vcalc" '
    WRITE (23,*)' ZONE F=POINT, I=', NYmaxC
	DO 881 i=1,NYmaxC 
    WRITE (23,*) Xc(i,N_centr), F(i,N_centr,2)*0.5 + 0.5
881 continue 	
    WRITE (23,*)' ZONE F=POINT, I=', 17
	DO 882 i=1,17     
    WRITE (23,*) x_exct(i), v_exct(i)*0.5 + 0.5
  882     continue 	
    open (24,file='Profiles_U.dat') 
    WRITE(24,*)'VARIABLES = "Ycalc", "Ucalc" '
    WRITE (24,*)' ZONE F=POINT, I=', NYmaxC
	DO 871 j=1,NYmaxC 
    WRITE (24,*) Yc(N_centr,j), F(N_centr,j,1)*0.5 + 0.5
871 continue 	
    WRITE (24,*)' ZONE F=POINT, I=', 17
	DO 872 j=1,17       
    WRITE (24,*) y_exct(j), u_exct(j)*0.5 + 0.5
872     continue 	
 	close(55) ! hystory-1 file closed
    close(56) ! hystory-2 file closed
	NImax = NXmaxC
	NJmax = NYmaxC
	F_out     = F(:,:,1)
!		        1234567890
	Filename  ='1_U_s.txt' 
!    Call  Out_array(F_out,NImax,NJmax,Filename)
	NImax = NXmaxC
	NJmax = NYmaxC
	F_out     = F(:,:,2)
!		        1234567890
	Filename  ='1_V_s.txt' 
!    Call  Out_array(F_out,NImax,NJmax,Filename)
	NImax = NXmaxC
	NJmax = NYmaxC
	F_out     = F(:,:,5)
!		        1234567890
	Filename  ='1_T_s.txt' 
!    Call  Out_array(F_out,NImax,NJmax,Filename)
	open (23,file='Domain_all.dat') 
	WRITE(23,*)'VARIABLES = "Xp", "Yp" , "Up" , "Vp" , "Pp" ' 
    WRITE (23,*)' ZONE I=' ,NXmaxC, ', J=', NYmaxC, ', F=POINT'
	DO 4 J=1, NYmaxC
	DO 4 I=1, NXmaxC
    WRITE (23,*) Xc(I,J), Yc(I,J) , F(i,j,1) , F(i,j,2) , F(i,j,4)   
4     continue 	