Numerical study of atomization and sprays for aeronautical engines: As part of
the European FFLECS project, bringing together researchers from several
countries and aeronautical manufacturers, this research project aims to develop
advanced numerical simulations (CFD, LES) to accurately predict the
characteristics of sprays formed during fuel injection processes. The aims are
to gain a better understanding of atomization mechanisms, develop models capable
of simulating drop formation and evolution, and optimize injection systems to
reduce pollutant emissions in engines.
The 1-year position (which may be extended) is based at the CORIA TASC
department, which comprises 14 permanent researchers and around 20 contract
researchers. CORIA is a Joint Research Unit (UMR) attached to the CNRS Institute
of Engineering and Systems (INSIS), the University of Rouen and the Rouen
Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA). It is based at the Madrillet technology
park, near Rouen in Upper Normandy. CORIA's areas of research cover fundamental
and applied studies on reactive and non-reactive flows: two-phase flows,
turbulent mixing phenomena, combustion, plasmas, etc. Physical mechanisms and
processes leading to the reduction of pollutant emissions in reactive systems
are priority areas of research.
This postdoc takes place in a European Project : EU Horizon RIA action project
FFLECS, “Novel Fuel-Flexible ultra-Low Emissions Combustion systems for
Sustainable aviation” In this project, revolutionary combustor architectures
will be studied, extending the preliminary results of previous Clean Sky 2
projects: (i) the Lean Azimuthal Flame (LEAFinnox), a novel combustion system
based on Flameless Oxidation, (ii) the Compact Helically Arranged combustoR
(CHAIRlift), a new system which uses interacting lean lifted flames, The project
will include new CFD, low-order, and AI models, and novel stabilization
techniques ripe for commercial exploitation. The consortium include many
partners coming from major research center and followed by industry referents.
Starting date is expected for 01/12/2024, the position is possibly extendable to
24 months.
Growth salary is between 3.021 euro and 4.200 euro depending of experience.