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Difference between surface integral and sum of line integrals?

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Old   November 15, 2021, 11:19
Exclamation Difference between surface integral and sum of line integrals?
Tom Waits
Join Date: Aug 2018
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Hello Tecplot users,

I have a cylindrical isosurface through which I wish to calculate the velocity flux. I use the "Vector dotted with unit normal" integration with the velocity vector over the iso-surface zone.

I then wish to calculate the velocity flux along the cylinder so I extract an array of slices along the isosurface and slice through "Surface Zones".

I then use the "Vector dotted with unit normal" integration on each of these line zones (which are circles) to find the velocity flux along the cylinder.

However, when I sum up the results from the integration for each slice and multiply by the distance between slices I get a value a factor of 10 off of the surface integration.

I have attached an image of what I mean - the green zone is the cylindrical isosurface over which I integrate, and the rings are the line integrals which do not sum (when multiplied by the distance between them) to the surface integral. Why is this not the case?

Many thanks for your help,
Tom Waits
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