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Maximum value on a slice

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Old   April 30, 2020, 13:27
Default Maximum value on a slice
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Join Date: Feb 2020
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mlazim14 is on a distinguished road
I've recorded a macro which creates a number of slices along my nozzle, and then performs an Integration on each slice to extract the average values of a range of variables, and saves each to a text file.

Now, I'm also looking to get the radius of the nozzle along the axis, which would simply be either the maximum value of my {Radius} variable, or just the maximum Y value for example.

How can I use the Perform Integration tool to get this maximum value on each slice, or alternatively write a macro which does the same?

I've tried using a macro loop as follows, but it returns 0 for all slices:
$!VarSet |SLICEZONE| += 1
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Old   May 1, 2020, 16:31
Join Date: May 2013
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novedevon is on a distinguished road
Integration is available from the macro language, but the integration result is not accessible from the script easily. That is not true for the PyTecplot interface where you can run the integration as well as have direct access to the data. I would recommend switching to a PyTecplot script which will give you more flexibility.

-Devon Tecplot Product Engineer
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