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Help: Errors when using Tecplot to read a .dat datafile!!

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Old   December 30, 2016, 17:51
Exclamation Help: Errors when using Tecplot to read a .dat datafile!!
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bhbuaa is on a distinguished road
Hello Guys,

I am using Tecplot to postprocess my simulation data, generated from KIVA3v. I always use Tecplot to read my KIVA results without any problems.
Recently, I just add several new variables to my KIVA results, and I got several tecplot format data files (results @ different simulation time). When I read these files, I can load the first 7 files to Tecplot without any problems. However, it showed an error message as "Err: Err: Bad or Missing FE Cell Indices for Cell 133968. Error occurred on line number 279770", when I load the other files. I just went to the line-279770, and the information at this line is exactly same with the first 6 files, which is shown as " 133968 145336 145367 145366 145767 145768 145799 145798".

I have some guesses on the possible reasons. The new variables I added are still using data type--"real", but when I calculated them, I used the intermediate variables defined as "double precision" and then assigned their values to the new variables, which are "real" and will be printed to the result file as "f22.8" later. So will these cause the problems? If so, why are there no problems for the first 6 files?

Or, is there anyone know how I can fix this problem?

PS.: 1) The data file is too big (>200MB), and I cannot upload them here.
2) The file front is written as follows:

TITLE = " itape5.ex1 T=0.000119 crank= 0.0"
VARIABLES = "X", "Y", "Z", "UVEL", "VVEL", "WVEL", "Temp", "Pre ", "H2 ","H ","O2 ","OH ","H2O ","C3H8 "
ZONE T="GAS", N=145799, E=133968, F=FEPOINT, ET=BRICK
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