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extract data to tecplot chorus

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Old   March 30, 2016, 08:44
Question extract data to tecplot chorus
New Member
Join Date: Mar 2016
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wutian301 is on a distinguished road
there is A set of 2D tecplot data。I want extract one variable from tecplot 360 to tecplot chorus,how can i do it ?

there is some Video Tutorials on youtube . but it only support date of variable's integrate.

example if i want max contour value or max X, how can i extract it to the tecplot chorus?
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Old   March 31, 2016, 14:50
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Scott Rumage
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I may not understand your question, but I would like to try to clarify the purposes of Tecplot 360 & Tecplot Chorus. One would not extract a single variable from a single data set and plot it in Tecplot Chorus.

Tecplot 360 is for plotting & visualizing a single set (or a few sets) of data. So if one wanted to create a contour plot and to determine a maximum value, then they would use Tecplot 360 for this application.

Tecplot Chorus is for analyzing and understanding groupings of data sets that have the same independent and dependent variables. Typically these groupings of data will have the independent variables range over a prescribed design parameter. For example, in the design of an air vehicle one might create simulations based on the independent variables of velocity, angle of attack, etc. And from these same studies, one might want to understand the dependent variables such as lift & drag.

Using Chorus an engineer will organize the design study (with potentially hundreds of simulations) to enable the understanding of the resulting simulations, and then using the resulting plots and visualizations to guide the design team to the best solution or configuration.

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extract data, tecplot, tecplot chorus

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