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how to decide I,J,K values in .DAT for plotting in Tecplot

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Old   March 10, 2016, 06:46
Default how to decide I,J,K values in .DAT for plotting in Tecplot
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Hi all,

I have a .DAT file which has the following header:

TITLE = "B00001"
VARIABLES = "position-x", "position-y", "V-x", "V-y"
ZONE T="Frame 0", I=200, J=150

So it has 4 columns and 30,000 rows.

I want to add a new column V-z now. So do I need to input any K=<something> in the 3rd line of the file? If yes, what should be this <something> value?

Another question,
If I want to remove 50 rows from the original file, what values should I put in the I,J,K line now.

sorry if this is too simple a question.
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Old   March 15, 2016, 11:00
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Scott Rumage
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You asked: I want to add a new column V-z now. So do I need to input any K=<something> in the 3rd line of the file? If yes, what should be this <something> value?

You would only add another K value for the “position-z” value. The IJK values reference the grid which is currently just X and Y values (so K has no value for a 2D grid). For 2D grids one only uses IJ values. For 3D grids one must add the K dimension. The V-z variable implies that you have a third dimension. However one could add this V-z variable as a new column, and plot the variable in 2D. This would be an unusual thing to do (plot the velocity in the z direction on a X-Y plane), but it is easily doable.
You asked: If I want to remove 50 rows from the original file, what values should I put in the I,J,K line now.

You would need to be careful in how you removed the rows. Removing the rows will change the grid size and the I,K order. However I am not able say what the new I,J values would be.

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