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Tecplot: Multi-Block Visualization

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Old   April 10, 2007, 00:43
Default Tecplot: Multi-Block Visualization
Posts: n/a
I have a cubic domain with a large number of blocks (of different geometry). Each block, obviously, has its own (i,j,k). Problem is that when I do "animate" for I=1,IM, it does not show the plan scanning from inflow plane (I=1) to outflow plane (I=IM) of the whole domain. Instead, the I-planes sweeps I=1,IM in each block, which is useless (just imagine you have 100 blocks). Is there any way/option is TECPLOT 360 so that I can convert the individual (i,j,k) to a global (I,J,K) - maybe some sort of interpolation over the whole domain. I hope somebody can help me out as I really need to find a solution for this. Thanks. Sue
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Old   April 10, 2007, 02:30
Default Re: Tecplot: Multi-Block Visualization
Posts: n/a

Just do a very simple macro. Regards
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Old   April 10, 2007, 03:10
Default Re: Tecplot: Multi-Block Visualization
Posts: n/a
Thanks, but could you give me a reference or link, I'm not a TECPLOT pro, so I need something to start with - an example on writing a macro in Tecplot would also be helpful.

Thanks a lot. Sue
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Old   April 10, 2007, 06:17
Default Re: Tecplot: Multi-Block Visualization
Posts: n/a

I had a very similar problem, albeit in 2D, where I had a 23 block domain for which I wanted to animate the contour data.

I also tried writing a macro, but in the end I used the STRAND ID command in Tecplot 360 which was very straightforward.

I've enclosed a code snippet below from my output subroutine that gives an idea of how to do this. This may help ?

If you have a lot of data to animate, you may want to consider converting your data to Tecplot binary format, either in your code, or as I did, by running the Preplot batch command to automate the conversion. To do this all I did was to copy preplot.exe ( included with Tecplot360 ) to a folder containing my ascii files ( written as .dat ) and run the following in a dos window

for %f in (*.dat) do preplot %f

This will convert all .dat files to binary tho - so be careful.

Hope this helps,


DO 2080 NB = 1,23 ! NB is the block index

WRITE (8000+NB,3020) IM(NB),JM(NB) ! IM and JM are the imax and jmax values for the domain


DO 2080 J=1,JM(NB)

DO 2080 I=1,IM(NB)


3000 FORMAT (1X,'TITLE = "X", "Y" ,"U", "V","VEL", "MACH", "P", "T", "RO" ,"H" ') 3010 FORMAT (1X,'VARIABLES = "X", "Y" ,"U" ,"V" ,"VEL","MACH" ,"P", "T" ,"RO", "H" ') 3020 FORMAT (1X,'ZONE T = "1", I = ',I3,2X, 'J= ',I3,2X,'F=POINT') 3030 FORMAT (10(2X,F15.6))
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Old   April 10, 2007, 06:22
Default Re: Tecplot: Multi-Block Visualization
Posts: n/a
p.s if you still have problems, I can send you a code sample by email if you give me an email address. S.
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Old   April 10, 2007, 16:22
Default Re: Tecplot: Multi-Block Visualization
Posts: n/a
Thanks for the info. I am working on it. Meanwhile, I have another (related) question. In "Slice Detailes", I define all the values, and then when I go to "Animate" and click on "Play" bottom ( > ), it starts displaying the animation but I don't see the slices, all I see is the contour of the entire domain, it's just like nothing is happening. What am I missing here?

Also, is there any way to make a number of slices, say 20, between I=1 and I=IM, but EXTRACTED to ZONE, and automatically, not one by one?


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Old   April 10, 2007, 16:53
Default Re: Tecplot: Multi-Block Visualization
Posts: n/a
Sorry, when I said between I=1 and I=IM, I meant "global" I. To avoid from any confussion, let's say between x=0 and x=Xmax of the whole domain.



> Thanks for the info. I am working on it. Meanwhile, I have another (related) question. In "Slice Detailes", I define all the values, and then when I go to "Animate" and click on "Play" bottom ( > ), it starts displaying the animation but I don't see the slices, all I see is the contour of the entire domain, it's just like nothing is happening. What am I missing here?

Also, is there any way to make a number of slices, say 20, between I=1 and I=IM, but EXTRACTED to ZONE, and automatically, not one by one?



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