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Old   August 16, 2006, 08:27
Posts: n/a
I have a problem with TECPLOT and since it is the CFD post-processing, there might be some people here who can help me out.

Problem is when I make a slice, switch off all zones except for the one that I created:

1. when I switch on "grid", I see a lot of extra lines on the screen, which some of them make some of the cells half and as such I see triangles, and some of them are just some random lines. This is so bothering and unfortunately this affects the velocity vectots.

2. when I switch on "contours", I see some of the cells are white (I believe this is a consequence of the problem that I mentioned above, because most of the white areas are triangular).

This is kind of disappointing for TECPLOT.

Anywhow, any advice of any kind so that I can see my original and correct mesh and contours would be appriciated.


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Old   August 16, 2006, 09:11
Default Re: TECPLOT
Posts: n/a

Put the above two lines in the starting for data files.... the write the data in the columns as X, Y, U and V; NI & NJ are the number of points in x- and y- directions

If number of columns of more or less, change the variable accordingly in the first line.. the X, Y, U & V are just representations.. you can keep any name there. Dont leave any row in between the data...

Hope it might resolve your problem.

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Old   August 16, 2006, 09:12
Default Re: TECPLOT (correction to previous mesg)
Posts: n/a


Put the above two lines in the starting for data files.... the write the data in the columns as X, Y, U and V; NI & NJ are the number of points in x- and y- directions

If number of columns of more or less, change the variable accordingly in the first line.. the X, Y, U & V are just representations.. you can keep any name there. Dont leave any row in between the data...

Hope it might resolve your problem.
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