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Cooling cube in a room

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Old   July 4, 2015, 04:24
Default Cooling cube in a room
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Join Date: Jul 2015
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Hi all,

Let us suppose that a small cube (a = 10 cm) made of gold is placed at the ground supposed to be a semi-infinite plane medium made of wood. The small cube is enclosed (left, right and top) by a large cubic box (L = 2 m) filled with air and made of plaster. This configuration represents a small cube placed at the ground of a room.

The initial temperature of the cube (Tic = 60°C) is known, the initial temperature of air in the box is known (Tia = 20°C) and also all the relevant parameters of the system (calorific capacities, heat transfer coefficients...).

I would like to calculate the temperature of the center of the cube Tc(t) and obtain the 3D velocity field as a function of the time by taken into account :

- the thermal transfer between the cube and the air (convection...)
- the thermal transfer between the bottom of the cube and the surface of the ground on which it is placed (conduction by contact...)
- the thermal transfer by radiation (cube and sides of the box).

In this problem, the boundaries of the large box are supposed isolated (q = 0 due to the thermal isolation of the room).

Up to now, I solved the problem only when the box is supposed infinite with a small cube that floats in air (cooling of a cube embedded in air) but how to set OpenFoam to solve the problem above ? In particular to take into account the surface on which the cube is posed ? Have you a similar model to proposed me ?

Thank you for your help.
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