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1D heat flow through rod with changing thermal diffusivity

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Old   December 2, 2014, 12:21
Wink 1D heat flow through rod with changing thermal diffusivity
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Carl Johan
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cjgn44 is on a distinguished road
Hello! I'm comparatively new to this whole world of CFD. I've looked at the examples in "12 Steps to navier stokes" and would say I understand that okay.


I've now gone back to 1D, and I'm trying to do some computations on the 1D heat equation:

My case is for example this: I've got a rod that's insulated around the sides such that the 1D case makes sense to use, the right side of the rod is connected to something such that the temperature is a constant T_1 and the left side a constant T_2. (similar to step 3 in the link) If the thermal diffusivity is constant throught the rod, then this problem is something I can find solved on the internet everywhere (using a finite difference scheme). But what if the thermal diffusivity is nonuniform, for instance, if the rod is splitted up into 2 equally big parts but with a different diffusivity for each part (ie, made of different materials).

Can I then simply make the thermal diffusivity a function of x_i in the equation? Ie, write:

du/dt = a(x)*(d^2 u/dx^2)

instead of

du/dt = a*(d^2 u/dx^2)

If yes, why? if no, why not ?
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Old   December 7, 2014, 21:40
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Troy Snyder
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tas38 is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by cjgn44 View Post
Hello! I'm comparatively new to this whole world of CFD. I've looked at the examples in "12 Steps to navier stokes" and would say I understand that okay.


I've now gone back to 1D, and I'm trying to do some computations on the 1D heat equation:

My case is for example this: I've got a rod that's insulated around the sides such that the 1D case makes sense to use, the right side of the rod is connected to something such that the temperature is a constant T_1 and the left side a constant T_2. (similar to step 3 in the link) If the thermal diffusivity is constant throught the rod, then this problem is something I can find solved on the internet everywhere (using a finite difference scheme). But what if the thermal diffusivity is nonuniform, for instance, if the rod is splitted up into 2 equally big parts but with a different diffusivity for each part (ie, made of different materials).

Can I then simply make the thermal diffusivity a function of x_i in the equation? Ie, write:

du/dt = a(x)*(d^2 u/dx^2)

instead of

du/dt = a*(d^2 u/dx^2)

If yes, why? if no, why not ?
You can solve the problem analytically by considering a two domain problem (each with constant conductivity) and match the temperatures and heat fluxes at the domain interface.

If you solve the problem numerically, the variable conductivity does not present a problem. You simply discretize the conductivity.

For example, a finite difference discretization of the diffusion term would be:

d/dx ( a*du/dx ) = ( (a*du/dx)_i+1 - (a*du/dx)_i ) / ( x_i+1 - x_i ) = ...
a_i+1*( u_i+1 - +u_i ) / ( x_i+1 - x_i )^2 - a_i*( u_i - u_i-1 ) / ( ( x_i+1 - x_i)*( x_i - x_i-1 ) )

In the case of non-spatially varying conductivity and constant grid spacing, this reduces the second-order, central difference formula for second derivative.
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