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Pitching Moment (Cm) Output in SU2

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Old   November 18, 2023, 15:50
Default Pitching Moment (Cm) Output in SU2
New Member
Rafael Gomes Batista
Join Date: Apr 2023
Posts: 12
Rep Power: 3
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Dear someone who might be able to help,

I have a quick question about the pitching moment, Cm, output in SU2.

I'm performing a shape design optimization of RAE 2822 in a 2D transonic viscous flow, a benchmark case from ADODG. There's a constraint that requires the pitching moment to be greater than -0.092. However, my pre-optimization history output provides a value around 0.09469888419. I've searched SU2 websites and forums for information about the pitching moment but couldn't find any details.

Firstly, I'd like to confirm if the pitching moment corresponds to the "MOMENT_Z" parameter in the History outputs settings. If so, is the corresponding parameter in the output file (history.xlsx) labeled as "CMz"? Shouldn't the pitching moment yield a positive value? Are the arbitrary directions of positive and negative changed? If so, which rotation direction is considered positive in SU2: counterclockwise or clockwise?

I will attach the file of the ADODG benchmark case. If you need the history.xlsx, let me know because there isn't enough space for the file here.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much to whoever can help me.

Best Regards,
Rafael Batista
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Last edited by rgbatista; November 19, 2023 at 09:43. Reason: missing information about 2D flow
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