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Actuator disk mesh generation problem with GMSH

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Old   August 30, 2023, 09:37
Unhappy Actuator disk mesh generation problem with GMSH
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Tony Govoni
Join Date: Mar 2023
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I am trying to generate a SU2 simulation of a simple actuator disk as the one proposed in the testcase propeller.cfg (

I use GMSH for the generation of the geometry and the mesh and in order to get started and see if everything was okay I made a first very simple test case with a disk in a box.

I am using the exact same .cfg file of the propeller test case, except that I dont have the nacelle surfaces so I commented them.

Before changing anything related to the simulation, it is impossible for me to get this first case running since I always have some errors concerning the mesh.

I tried a lot of different things but I get always the two same errors :


Error in "void CPhysicalGeometry:istributeColoring(const CConfig*, CGeometry*)":
Mismatch between NPOIN and number of points listed in mesh file.
Please check the mesh file for correctness.

or if I activate the option SaveAll of GMSH.:

Error in "void CPhysicalGeometry:istributeColoring(const CConfig*, CGeometry*)":
Mismatch between NPOIN and number of points listed in mesh file.
Please check the mesh file for correctness.

I cannot understand where this error is coming from, my mesh file is "simillar" to the one used for the propeller test case.

I tried to switch from different version of GMSH and SU2 but nothing solve this issue.

I am currently using GMSH 4.9.5 (as the latest version generate additional errors with the physical groups of volumes elements) and the latest SU2 8.0.0

Here is the python code generating the mesh (python 3.11.4) :

import gmsh


gmsh.model.add("mesh actuator disk")

# can redefine a namespace:
model = gmsh.model
model_kernel = model.occ
model_mesh = model.mesh

# define a volume by a box of 6 surface with one interal surface that is a disk in the center of the box

# box : center is in 0,0,0 and size is 1,1,1
box = model_kernel.addBox(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 1, 1, 1)
# disk : center is in 0,0,0 and radius is 0.1
disk = model_kernel.addDisk(0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.1)

# emmebed the disk in the box for the mesh
model_mesh.embed(2, [disk], 3, box)

# define physical groups
# 1 : the box walls will be named FF
# 2 : the disk will be named DISK

# get the box walls
tag_box = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
tag_disk = [7]

# define physical groups
model.addPhysicalGroup(2, tag_box, 1)
model.setPhysicalName(2, 1, "FARFIELD")
model.addPhysicalGroup(2, tag_disk, 2)
model.setPhysicalName(2, 2, "ACTDISK")
model.addPhysicalGroup(3, [1], 3)
model.setPhysicalName(3, 3, "fluid")
# mesh

# save all the mesh
gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.SaveAll", 1)
# save the mesh .su2 format
Someone as any Idea of whats going on here ?

Many thanks
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gmsh, npoinerror, su2 8.0.0

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