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Reading Source-term Data From a Text File

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Old   April 14, 2022, 04:54
Default Reading Source-term Data From a Text File
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gaurav11 is on a distinguished road
Hi. I am working on a research project. I need to add a spatially varying source term in the X-momentum equation, for incompressible Navier-Stokes simulation. What I want to do is to run a loop over all the points and add a different source term at each point. The source term data has to be read from a file. Could anyone please help me to understand what part of SU2 code I need to modify to achieve this? Thank You.
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Old   April 14, 2022, 11:55
Join Date: Jul 2018
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TKatt is on a distinguished road
Hi gaurav11,

do you try to model fully developed flow (or: streamwise periodic flow) by any chance? That feature would already exist.

But otherwise, source terms are implemented in flow_sources.cpp and are called in CIncEulerSolver.cpp::Source_Residual. A loop goes over all points in the domain and calls a ComputeResidual function (which is implemented in flow_sources.cpp) that computes the Residual contribution for that specific point. For a quick proof-of-concept you might want to read your file in that CIncEulerSolver.cpp::Source_Residual and just compute and set the Residual contribution right there without the flow_sources stuff.. might make it bit easier to handle as a first try.

Hope that helps a little bit, Tobi
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Old   May 30, 2022, 05:17
Default Changes Made in SU2 Source-Code
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gaurav11 is on a distinguished road
Hi Tobi,

I have made some changes to the SU2 source code for solving my problem. I have attached here a file containing the changes. Regarding the loop over all points in the domain in CIncEulerSolver.cpp, should I get the global point index?

My understanding is that the loop is running over all the volume and "iPoint" refers to the index of the volume in the ongoing loop iteration, so distribution over the processor will still refer to the right index. Is it correct?

Also, is it possible to use the new source-term values in the adjoint solver? I need to optimize the source-term values at each grid point using the following procedure.

1. Guess source values at grid points.
2. Run a RANS solution
3. Compare the RANS velocity field with the measured field
4. Use loss function = (u_rans-u_measure)^2
5. Use adjoint optimization to get the updated source field
6. Repeat 2-5 until convergence (Loss<set_threshold)

Thank You
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Changes made in su2 source-code-compressed.pdf (178.6 KB, 9 views)
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file reading, incompressible flows, source term, su2

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