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Restarting Simulation with Spatial Fourier Activated Giles BCs

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Old   February 21, 2022, 10:05
Post Restarting Simulation with Spatial Fourier Activated Giles BCs
Josh Kelly
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 34
Rep Power: 8
joshkellyjak is on a distinguished road

I'm running a radial-inflow turbine simulation using Giles BCs and a mixing plane between the nozzle guide vane and rotor zones, similar to the method described in the APU turbocharger test case. My solution runs with the SPATIAL_FOURIER option turned off and converges to the values of mass flow I would expect but the values of pressure at the boundaries don't match the BCs when I process the results in Paraview after. I think this is due to reflections at the boundaries as I observed similar issues when simulating just the nozzle guide vane which was solved by activating the NRBC. However, when I do this with my full simulation it diverges after 2/3 iterations. Is it possible to run a simulation with the NRBC turned off, have it converge to a given point then restart the simulation with it turned on? If not, why does my simulation diverge after a couple of iterations with NRBC activated when starting from scratch. I have attached my .cfg file to this post and any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance
Attached Files
File Type: txt emp_valid.txt (12.3 KB, 4 views)
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giles boundary, mixing plane, non reflecting boundary, turbomachinery

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