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Writing outputs to only include data right before convergence

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Old   March 17, 2021, 00:38
Default Writing outputs to only include data right before convergence
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CHANL is on a distinguished road

I have a NACA airfoil with unique characteristics added in, which results in an unsteady flow (neither coefficient of drag nor coefficient of lift converge) when I run a case with a RANS solver and SA turbulence model. I intend to rerun SU2 using the "unsteady" solver as laid out by the example on the SU2 website here:

The problem is, since it is running the "inner iterations," I anticipate the data files to be very large. Since I only care about the iterations as the data approaches convergence, is there a way to only capture these data points? For example, can I overwrite my "flow" file so it only records the newest 500 iterations? Or is there a way to specify that I only wants iteration 1500-2000? I am not sure what the correct way of handling this is, but as mentioned, my goal is to minimize my file size and only capture the data right before my simulation converges.

For some more clarification, I am aware already that you can limit the frequency of the data written (IE only write every couple of messages), but this would mean I would miss data points near convergence. This is not an ideal solution.

Thanks in advance!
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Old   March 17, 2021, 09:23
Jose Daniel
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 36
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jdp810 is on a distinguished road

SU2 outputs the time iteration with OUTPUT_WRT_FREQ, which you can set to 1 if you want to output every time iteration (for my case I write every 10th iteration although it writes the previous one too, I guess because dual time).

I don't think you can output the inner iterations, or at least I don't know how, but you can plot the residuals to see if it converged if that's what you want.

Hope it helps,
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file size, file writing, output data, output file, overwrite

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