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February 16, 2021, 16:48 |
How can I simulate a swirl on su2 ?
#1 |
New Member
ulisses adonis
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 4
Rep Power: 9 |
I'm working with condensation phenomena inside nozzles, however, I need to simulate a swirl at the inlet of geometry . Could someone help me do this in the su2 script? |
February 17, 2021, 08:10 |
#2 |
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Join Date: Dec 2011
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Is your geometry axisymmetric except for the rotating component?
The swirl terms are not implemented for 2D axisymmetric flows, so you need to simulate a small 3D wedge and impose the axial, radial and tangential components at the inlet. If you need a more accurate velocity profile at the inlet you can use an input file containing the velocity components. |
February 17, 2021, 17:09 |
#3 |
New Member
ulisses adonis
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 4
Rep Power: 9 |
Hi Bigfoot
Thanks for answering my question. I have a 3D geometry (nozzle and axisymmetric) and I need to create a swirl at the Inlet. I attached my script i this message. I have no idea how to generate a swirl. Which part of the script should I put the velocities? |
February 17, 2021, 17:13 |
#4 |
New Member
ulisses adonis
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 4
Rep Power: 9 |
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% % % SU2 configuration file % % Case description: Arina Nozzle % % Author:Ulisses % % Institution: University of São Paulo % % Date: Feb 17th, 2021 % % File Version 5" % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ------------- DIRECT, ADJOINT, AND LINEARIZED PROBLEM DEFINITION ------------% % % Physical governing equations (EULER, NAVIER_STOKES, % TNE2_EULER, TNE2_NAVIER_STOKES, % WAVE_EQUATION, HEAT_EQUATION, LINEAR_ELASTICITY, % TWO_PHASE_EULER, TWO_PHASE_NAVIER_STOKES, TWO_PHASE_RANS, % POISSON_EQUATION) PHYSICAL_PROBLEM= TWO_PHASE_EULER % % Specify turbulent model (NONE, SA, SA_NEG, SST) KIND_TURB_MODEL= NONE % % Specify 2phase model (NONE, HILL_RUS) KIND_2PHASE_MODEL= HILL_RUS % % Specify nucleation model (CLASSICAL_THEORY) KIND_NUCLEATION_MODEL= CLASSICAL_THEORY % % Mathematical problem (DIRECT, ADJOINT, LINEARIZED) MATH_PROBLEM= DIRECT % % Restart solution (NO, YES) RESTART_SOL= YES % -------------------- COMPRESSIBLE FREE-STREAM DEFINITION --------------------% % % Mach number (non-dimensional, based on the free-stream values) % MACH_NUMBER= 0.2 % % Angle of attack (degrees, only for compressible flows) AoA= 0.0 % % Free-stream pressure (101325.0 N/m^2 by default, only Euler flows) FREESTREAM_PRESSURE= 0.25e5 % % Free-stream temperature (288.15 K by default) FREESTREAM_TEMPERATURE= 358.0 % Free-stream temperature (1.2886 Kg/m3 by default) FREESTREAM_DENSITY= 0.152 % Free-stream option to choose if you want to use Density (DENSITY_FS) or Temperature (TEMPERATURE_FS) to initialize the solution FREESTREAM_OPTION= DENSITY_FS % % Free-stream Turbulence Intensity FREESTREAM_TURBULENCEINTENSITY= 0.05 % % Free-stream Turbulent to Laminar viscosity ratio FREESTREAM_TURB2LAMVISCRATIO= 100.0 % % Reynolds number (non-dimensional, based on the free-stream values) REYNOLDS_NUMBER= 1.0E5 % INIT_OPTION= TD_CONDITIONS % %SYSTEM_MEASUREMENTS= US % ---------------------- REFERENCE VALUE DEFINITION ---------------------------% % % Reference origin for moment computation REF_ORIGIN_MOMENT_X= 0.0 REF_ORIGIN_MOMENT_Y= 0.00 REF_ORIGIN_MOMENT_Z= 0.00 % % Reference length for pitching, rolling, and yawing non-dimensional moment %REF_LENGTH_MOMENT= 0.6 % % Reference area for force coefficients (0 implies automatic calculation) REF_AREA= 0.36 % % Flow non-dimensionalization (DIMENSIONAL, FREESTREAM_PRESS_EQ_ONE, % FREESTREAM_VEL_EQ_MACH, FREESTREAM_VEL_EQ_ONE) REF_DIMENSIONALIZATION= DIMENSIONAL % % Reference element length for computing the slope limiter epsilon REF_ELEM_LENGTH= 0.1 % ---- IDEAL GAS, POLYTROPIC, VAN DER WAALS AND PENG ROBINSON CONSTANTS -------% % % Different gas model (STANDARD_AIR, IDEAL_GAS, VW_GAS, PR_GAS) FLUID_MODEL= PR_GAS % % Specify Liquid model (WATER) KIND_LIQUID_MODEL= WATER % % Select model HEAT_CAPACITY_MODEL = (1791, 0.10689, 5.7611e-4, 1.9978e-7, 0) % % Ratio of specific heats (1.4 default and the value is hardcoded % for the model STANDARD_AIR) GAMMA_VALUE= 1.33 % CONSTANT_GAMMA = YES % % Specific gas constant (287.058 J/kg*K default and this value is hardcoded % for the model STANDARD_AIR) GAS_CONSTANT= 461.51 % % Critical Temperature (288.15 K by default) CRITICAL_TEMPERATURE= 647.12 % % Critical Pressure (101325.0 N/m^2 by default) CRITICAL_PRESSURE= 22060000.0 % % Critical Density (1.2886 Kg/m3 by default) CRITICAL_DENSITY= 322.0 % % Acentri factor (0.035 (air)) ACENTRIC_FACTOR= 0.3437 % --------------------------- VISCOSITY MODEL ---------------------------------% % % Viscosity model (SUTHERLAND, CONSTANT_VISCOSITY). VISCOSITY_MODEL= CONSTANT_VISCOSITY % % Molecular Viscosity that would be constant (1.716E-5 by default) MU_CONSTANT= 11.747e-6 % % Sutherland Viscosity Ref (1.716E-5 default value for AIR SI) MU_REF= 11.747e-6 % % Sutherland Temperature Ref (288.15 K default value for AIR SI) MU_T_REF= 288.15 % % Sutherland constant (110.4 default value for AIR SI) SUTHERLAND_CONSTANT= 110.4 % --------------------------- THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY MODEL ----------------------% % % Conductivity model (CONSTANT_CONDUCTIVITY, CONSTANT_PRANDTL). CONDUCTIVITY_MODEL= CONSTANT_PRANDTL % % Molecular Thermal Conductivity that would be constant (0.0257 by default) KT_CONSTANT= 23.019e-3 % -------------------- BOUNDARY CONDITION DEFINITION --------------------------% MARKER_SYM= (NONE) MARKER_EULER=(FLUID_1_1,WALL_NZZL,WALL_SWRL,WALL_S HF1,WALL_SHF2,WALL_SHF3,WALL_SHF4,VAN3S9,WALL_SHF5 ,WALL_SHF6,VAN7S10,VAN7S9,VAN7S8,VAN7S7,VAN7S6,VAN 7S5,VAN7S4,VAN7S3,VAN7S2,VAN7S1,VAN7S11,VAN6S10,VA N6S9,VAN6S8,VAN6S7,VAN6S6,VAN6S5,VAN6S4,VAN6S3,VAN 6S2,VAN6S1,VAN6S11,VAN5S10,VAN5S9,VAN5S8,VAN5S7,VA N5S6,VAN5S5,VAN5S4,VAN5S3,VAN5S2,VAN5S1,VAN5S11,WA LL_SHF7,VAN4S6,VAN4S5,VAN4S4,VAN4S3,VAN4S2,VAN4S1, VAN4S7,VAN4S8,VAN4S9,VAN4S10,VAN4S11,VAN3S8,VAN3S1 0,WALL_SHF8,VAN2S10,VAN3S10VAN2S10,VAN3S11,VAN3S2, VAN3S1,VAN3S3,VAN3S4,VAN3S5,VAN3S6,VAN3S7,WALL_SHF 9,is1S11,VAN2S9,VAN1S1,VAN1S10,VAN2S1,VAN2S2,VAN2S 3,VAN2S4,VAN2S5,VAN2S6,VAN2S7,VAN2S8,VAN1S7,VAN1S8 ,VAN1S9,VAN2S11,VAN1S11,VAN1S5,VAN1S6,VAN1S2,VAN1S 3,VAN1S4) % Inlet boundary type (TOTAL_CONDITIONS, MASS_FLOW) INLET_TYPE= TOTAL_CONDITIONS % % Inlet boundary marker(s) with the following formats (NONE = no marker) % Total Conditions: (inlet marker, total temp, total pressure, flow_direction_x, % flow_direction_y, flow_direction_z, ... ) where flow_direction is % a unit vector. % Mass Flow: (inlet marker, density, velocity magnitude, flow_direction_x, % flow_direction_y, flow_direction_z, ... ) where flow_direction is % a unit vector. %MARKER_INLET = (inflow, 358.0, 0.25E+05, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) %MARKER_SUPERSONIC_OUTLET= (outflow) %TOTAL_CONDITIONS_PT % MARKER_RIEMANN= (INFLOW, TOTAL_CONDITIONS_PT, 0.25e5, 369, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, OUTFLOW, STATIC_PRESSURE, 0.040E+05, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) % % ------------- COMMON PARAMETERS DEFINING THE NUMERICAL METHOD ---------------% % % Numerical method for spatial gradients (GREEN_GAUSS, WEIGHTED_LEAST_SQUARES) NUM_METHOD_GRAD= WEIGHTED_LEAST_SQUARES % % Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition of the finest grid CFL_NUMBER= 0.1 % Adaptive CFL number (NO, YES) CFL_ADAPT= NO % % Parameters of the adaptive CFL number (factor down, factor up, CFL min value, % CFL max value ) CFL_ADAPT_PARAM= ( 1.5, 0.5, 1.0, 100.0 ) % % Number of total iterations EXT_ITER= 1000000 % % Linear solver for the implicit formulation (BCGSTAB, FGMRES) LINEAR_SOLVER= FGMRES % Preconditioner of the Krylov linear solver (ILU0, LU_SGS, LINELET, JACOBI) LINEAR_SOLVER_PREC= ILU0 % % Min error of the linear solver for the implicit formulation LINEAR_SOLVER_ERROR= 1E-5 % % Max number of iterations of the linear solver for the implicit formulation LINEAR_SOLVER_ITER= 600 % -------------------------- MULTIGRID PARAMETERS -----------------------------% % % Multi-Grid Levels (0 = no multi-grid) MGLEVEL= 0 % % -------------------- FLOW NUMERICAL METHOD DEFINITION -----------------------% % % Convective numerical method (JST, LAX-FRIEDRICH, CUSP, ROE, AUSM, HLLC, % TURKEL_PREC, MSW) CONV_NUM_METHOD_FLOW= ROE % % Spatial numerical order integration (1ST_ORDER, 2ND_ORDER, 2ND_ORDER_LIMITER) %SPATIAL_ORDER_FLOW= 1ST_ORDER SPATIAL_ORDER_FLOW= 1ST_ORDER % % Slope limiter (VENKATAKRISHNAN, MINMOD) SLOPE_LIMITER_FLOW= VENKATAKRISHNAN % % Coefficient for the limiter LIMITER_COEFF= 1.0 % % 1st, 2nd and 4th order artificial dissipation coefficients AD_COEFF_FLOW= ( 0.15, 0.5, 0.02 ) % % Time discretization (RUNGE-KUTTA_EXPLICIT, EULER_IMPLICIT, EULER_EXPLICIT) TIME_DISCRE_FLOW= EULER_IMPLICIT % -------------------- 2-PHASE NUMERICAL METHOD DEFINITION ------------------% % % Convective numerical method (SCALAR_UPWIND only) CONV_NUM_METHOD_2PHASE= SCALAR_UPWIND % % Spatial numerical order integration (1ST_ORDER, 2ND_ORDER, 2ND_ORDER_LIMITER) SPATIAL_ORDER_2PHASE= 1ST_ORDER % % Slope limiter (VENKATAKRISHNAN, MINMOD, VAN_ALBADA, SUPERBEE) SLOPE_LIMITER_2PHASE= VAN_ALBADA % % Time discretization (EULER_IMPLICIT) TIME_DISCRE_2PHASE= EULER_IMPLICIT % LIMITER_COEFF_2PHASE = 0 % % Reduction factor of the CFL coefficient in the 2-phase problem CFL_REDUCTION_2PHASE= 0.95 % % Relaxation coefficient RELAXATION_FACTOR_2PHASE= 0.95 % ------------------------- GRID ADAPTATION STRATEGY --------------------------% % % Kind of grid adaptation (NONE, PERIODIC, FULL, FULL_FLOW, GRAD_FLOW, FULL_ADJOINT, % GRAD_ADJOINT, GRAD_FLOW_ADJ, ROBUST, % FULL_LINEAR, COMPUTABLE, COMPUTABLE_ROBUST, % REMAINING, WAKE, SMOOTHING, SUPERSONIC_SHOCK, % TWOPHASE) KIND_ADAPT= NONE % --------------------------- CONVERGENCE PARAMETERS --------------------------% % % Convergence criteria (CAUCHY, RESIDUAL) % CONV_CRITERIA= RESIDUAL % % Residual reduction (order of magnitude with respect to the initial value) RESIDUAL_REDUCTION= 8 % % Min value of the residual (log10 of the residual) RESIDUAL_MINVAL= -12 % % Start convergence criteria at iteration number STARTCONV_ITER= 10 % % Number of elements to apply the criteria CAUCHY_ELEMS= 100 % % Epsilon to control the series convergence CAUCHY_EPS= 1E-6 % % Function to apply the criteria (LIFT, DRAG, NEARFIELD_PRESS, SENS_GEOMETRY, % SENS_MACH, DELTA_LIFT, DELTA_DRAG) CAUCHY_FUNC_FLOW= DRAG % ------------------------- INPUT/OUTPUT INFORMATION --------------------------% % % Mesh input file (approximately 66k) MESH_FILENAME= u.su2 % % Mesh input file format (SU2, CGNS, NETCDF_ASCII) MESH_FORMAT= SU2 % % Mesh output file MESH_OUT_FILENAME= mesh_out.su2 % % Restart flow input file SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME= restart_flow.dat % % Restart 2phase input file SOLUTION_2PHASE_FILENAME= restart_2phase.dat % % Restart adjoint input file SOLUTION_ADJ_FILENAME= solution_adj.dat % % Output file format (PARAVIEW, TECPLOT, STL) OUTPUT_FORMAT= PARAVIEW % % Output file convergence history (w/o extension) CONV_FILENAME= history % % Output file restart flow RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME= restart_flow.dat %% % Output file restart flow RESTART_2PHASE_FILENAME= restart_2phase.dat % % Output file restart adjoint RESTART_ADJ_FILENAME= restart_adj.dat % % Output file flow (w/o extension) variables VOLUME_FLOW_FILENAME= flow % % Output file flow (w/o extension) variables VOLUME_2PHASE_FILENAME= two_phase_0.25bar % % Output file adjoint (w/o extension) variables VOLUME_ADJ_FILENAME= adjoint % % Output objective function gradient (using continuous adjoint) GRAD_OBJFUNC_FILENAME= of_grad.dat % % Output file surface flow coefficient (w/o extension) SURFACE_FLOW_FILENAME= surface_flow % % Output file surface adjoint coefficient (w/o extension) SURFACE_ADJ_FILENAME= surface_adjoint % % Output residual values in the solution files WRT_RESIDUALS= YES % % Output residual values in the solution files WRT_LIQUID_PROPS= YES % AUTORESET_NEGATIVE_SOL = YES % % Writing solution file frequency WRT_SOL_FREQ= 50 % % Writing convergence history frequency WRT_CON_FREQ= 1 |
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