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Damper in aeroelastic NACA64A010 SU2 testcase: need to access the source code?

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Old   October 21, 2020, 14:35
Exclamation Damper in aeroelastic NACA64A010 SU2 testcase: need to access the source code?
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Kevin Wittkowski
Join Date: Sep 2020
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kiloWatt is on a distinguished road
Hello everybody,
I'm trying to run an aeroelastic simulation of a NACA64A010 in SU2: the configuration files can be found here (as I was suggested in a previous post).

My problem is that I want the translation and rotation of the airfoil to be mechanically damped like in the system in figure

(taken from

but there are no settings in the configuration file options to set the translational and rotational mechanical damping

(see under "/*!\par CONFIG_CATEGORY: Aeroelastic Simulation (Typical Section Model) \ingroup Config*/")

So in the document by Sanchez actually there is an airfoil-spring-damper system examined with SU2 but there seems to be no configuration setting to specify the mechanical damping. Then in the file "" in SU2 installation files there seems to be the possibility of damping the structure...

Thus, how should I proceed? Should I build the code from source and touch the equations directly (how?) or is there a simpler way?

Thanks beforehand.
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Old   October 23, 2020, 08:03
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Pedro Gomes
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Hello Kevin,
The function you would need to modify is "CSolver::SolveTypicalSectionWingModel" in file CSolver.cpp around line 2900, in version 7.0.7.
Indeed you would have to recompile the code (I'm told that is not very simple on Windows).
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Old   October 26, 2020, 07:32
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Kevin Wittkowski
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kiloWatt is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by pcg View Post
Hello Kevin,
The function you would need to modify is "CSolver::SolveTypicalSectionWingModel" in file CSolver.cpp around line 2900, in version 7.0.7.
Indeed you would have to recompile the code (I'm told that is not very simple on Windows).
Thank you so much Pedro, I will devote next week to building that from source and recompile the code. I will let you know.
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Old   November 11, 2020, 04:23
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Kevin Wittkowski
Join Date: Sep 2020
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kiloWatt is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by pcg View Post
Hello Kevin,
The function you would need to modify is "CSolver::SolveTypicalSectionWingModel" in file CSolver.cpp around line 2900, in version 7.0.7.
Indeed you would have to recompile the code (I'm told that is not very simple on Windows).
this is the code in CSolver.cpp near line 2900. I think the part I should modify to take into account the damping would be in "Phi" and "Omega2".

However, I don't know
1)why the stiffness matrix is commented
2)how the problem is being solved: is the problem first diagonalized and then solved in decoupled form? Or is it something else?

Thanks in advance

void CSolver::SetUpTypicalSectionWingModel(vector<vector<su2double> >& Phi, vector<su2double>& omega, CConfig *config) {

  /*--- Retrieve values from the config file ---*/
  su2double w_h = config->GetAeroelastic_Frequency_Plunge();
  su2double w_a = config->GetAeroelastic_Frequency_Pitch();
  su2double x_a = config->GetAeroelastic_CG_Location();
  su2double r_a = sqrt(config->GetAeroelastic_Radius_Gyration_Squared());
  su2double w = w_h/w_a;

  // Mass Matrix
  vector<vector<su2double> > M(2,vector<su2double>(2,0.0));
  M[0][0] = 1;
  M[0][1] = x_a;
  M[1][0] = x_a;
  M[1][1] = r_a*r_a;

  // Stiffness Matrix
  //  vector<vector<su2double> > K(2,vector<su2double>(2,0.0));
  //  K[0][0] = (w_h/w_a)*(w_h/w_a);
  //  K[0][1] = 0.0;
  //  K[1][0] = 0.0;
  //  K[1][1] = r_a*r_a;

  /* Eigenvector and Eigenvalue Matrices of the Generalized EigenValue Problem. */

  vector<vector<su2double> > Omega2(2,vector<su2double>(2,0.0));
  su2double aux; // auxiliary variable
  aux = sqrt(pow(r_a,2)*pow(w,4) - 2*pow(r_a,2)*pow(w,2) + pow(r_a,2) + 4*pow(x_a,2)*pow(w,2));
  Phi[0][0] = (r_a * (r_a - r_a*pow(w,2) + aux)) / (2*x_a*pow(w, 2));
  Phi[0][1] = (r_a * (r_a - r_a*pow(w,2) - aux)) / (2*x_a*pow(w, 2));
  Phi[1][0] = 1.0;
  Phi[1][1] = 1.0;

  Omega2[0][0] = (r_a * (r_a + r_a*pow(w,2) - aux)) / (2*(pow(r_a, 2) - pow(x_a, 2)));
  Omega2[0][1] = 0;
  Omega2[1][0] = 0;
  Omega2[1][1] = (r_a * (r_a + r_a*pow(w,2) + aux)) / (2*(pow(r_a, 2) - pow(x_a, 2)));

  /* Nondimesionalize the Eigenvectors such that Phi'*M*Phi = I and PHI'*K*PHI = Omega */
  // Phi'*M*Phi = D
  // D^(-1/2)*Phi'*M*Phi*D^(-1/2) = D^(-1/2)*D^(1/2)*D^(1/2)*D^(-1/2) = I,  D^(-1/2) = inv(sqrt(D))
  // Phi = Phi*D^(-1/2)

  vector<vector<su2double> > Aux(2,vector<su2double>(2,0.0));
  vector<vector<su2double> > D(2,vector<su2double>(2,0.0));
  // Aux = M*Phi
  for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
      Aux[i][j] = 0;
      for (int k=0; k<2; k++) {
        Aux[i][j] += M[i][k]*Phi[k][j];

  // D = Phi'*Aux
  for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
      D[i][j] = 0;
      for (int k=0; k<2; k++) {
        D[i][j] += Phi[k][i]*Aux[k][j]; //PHI transpose

  //Modify the first column
  Phi[0][0] = Phi[0][0] * 1/sqrt(D[0][0]);
  Phi[1][0] = Phi[1][0] * 1/sqrt(D[0][0]);
  //Modify the second column
  Phi[0][1] = Phi[0][1] * 1/sqrt(D[1][1]);
  Phi[1][1] = Phi[1][1] * 1/sqrt(D[1][1]);

  // Sqrt of the eigenvalues (frequency of vibration of the modes)
  omega[0] = sqrt(Omega2[0][0]);
  omega[1] = sqrt(Omega2[1][1]);


void CSolver::SolveTypicalSectionWingModel(CGeometry *geometry, su2double Cl, su2double Cm, CConfig *config, unsigned short iMarker, vector<su2double>& displacements) {

  /*--- The aeroelastic model solved in this routine is the typical section wing model
   The details of the implementation are similar to those found in J.J. Alonso
   "Fully-Implicit Time-Marching Aeroelastic Solutions" 1994. ---*/

  /*--- Retrieve values from the config file ---*/
  su2double w_alpha = config->GetAeroelastic_Frequency_Pitch();
  su2double vf      = config->GetAeroelastic_Flutter_Speed_Index();
  su2double b       = config->GetLength_Reynolds()/2.0; // airfoil semichord, Reynolds length is by defaul 1.0
  su2double dt      = config->GetDelta_UnstTimeND();
  dt = dt*w_alpha; //Non-dimensionalize the structural time.

  /*--- Structural Equation damping ---*/
  vector<su2double> xi(2,0.0);

  /*--- Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues of the Generalized EigenValue Problem. ---*/
  vector<vector<su2double> > Phi(2,vector<su2double>(2,0.0));   // generalized eigenvectors.
  vector<su2double> w(2,0.0);        // sqrt of the generalized eigenvalues (frequency of vibration of the modes).
  SetUpTypicalSectionWingModel(Phi, w, config);

  /*--- Solving the Decoupled Aeroelastic Problem with second order time discretization Eq (9) ---*/

  /*--- Solution variables description. //x[j][i], j-entry, i-equation. // Time (n+1)->np1, n->n, (n-1)->n1 ---*/
  vector<vector<su2double> > x_np1(2,vector<su2double>(2,0.0));

  /*--- Values from previous movement of spring at true time step n+1
   We use this values because we are solving for delta changes not absolute changes ---*/
  vector<vector<su2double> > x_np1_old = config->GetAeroelastic_np1(iMarker);

  /*--- Values at previous timesteps. ---*/
  vector<vector<su2double> > x_n = config->GetAeroelastic_n(iMarker);
  vector<vector<su2double> > x_n1 = config->GetAeroelastic_n1(iMarker);

  /*--- Set up of variables used to solve the structural problem. ---*/
  vector<su2double> f_tilde(2,0.0);
  vector<vector<su2double> > A_inv(2,vector<su2double>(2,0.0));
  su2double detA;
  su2double s1, s2;
  vector<su2double> rhs(2,0.0); //right hand side
  vector<su2double> eta(2,0.0);
  vector<su2double> eta_dot(2,0.0);

  /*--- Forcing Term ---*/
  su2double cons = vf*vf/PI_NUMBER;
  vector<su2double> f(2,0.0);
  f[0] = cons*(-Cl);
  f[1] = cons*(2*-Cm);

  //f_tilde = Phi'*f
  for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
    f_tilde[i] = 0;
    for (int k=0; k<2; k++) {
      f_tilde[i] += Phi[k][i]*f[k]; //PHI transpose

  /*--- solve each decoupled equation (The inverse of the 2x2 matrix is provided) ---*/
  for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
    /* Matrix Inverse */
    detA = 9.0/(4.0*dt*dt) + 3*w[i]*xi[i]/(dt) + w[i]*w[i];
    A_inv[0][0] = 1/detA * (3/(2.0*dt) + 2*xi[i]*w[i]);
    A_inv[0][1] = 1/detA * 1;
    A_inv[1][0] = 1/detA * -w[i]*w[i];
    A_inv[1][1] = 1/detA * 3/(2.0*dt);

    /* Source Terms from previous iterations */
    s1 = (-4*x_n[0][i] + x_n1[0][i])/(2.0*dt);
    s2 = (-4*x_n[1][i] + x_n1[1][i])/(2.0*dt);

    /* Problem Right Hand Side */
    rhs[0] = -s1;
    rhs[1] = f_tilde[i]-s2;

    /* Solve the equations */
    x_np1[0][i] = A_inv[0][0]*rhs[0] + A_inv[0][1]*rhs[1];
    x_np1[1][i] = A_inv[1][0]*rhs[0] + A_inv[1][1]*rhs[1];

    eta[i] = x_np1[0][i]-x_np1_old[0][i];  // For displacements, the change(deltas) is used.
    eta_dot[i] = x_np1[1][i]; // For velocities, absolute values are used.

  /*--- Transform back from the generalized coordinates to get the actual displacements in plunge and pitch  q = Phi*eta ---*/
  vector<su2double> q(2,0.0);
  vector<su2double> q_dot(2,0.0);
  for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
    q[i] = 0;
    q_dot[i] = 0;
    for (int k=0; k<2; k++) {
      q[i] += Phi[i][k]*eta[k];
      q_dot[i] += Phi[i][k]*eta_dot[k];

  su2double dh = b*q[0];
  su2double dalpha = q[1];

  su2double h_dot = w_alpha*b*q_dot[0];  //The w_a brings it back to actual time.
  su2double alpha_dot = w_alpha*q_dot[1];

  /*--- Set the solution of the structural equations ---*/
  displacements[0] = dh;
  displacements[1] = dalpha;
  displacements[2] = h_dot;
  displacements[3] = alpha_dot;

  /*--- Calculate the total plunge and total pitch displacements for the unsteady step by summing the displacement at each sudo time step ---*/
  su2double pitch, plunge;
  pitch = config->GetAeroelastic_pitch(iMarker);
  plunge = config->GetAeroelastic_plunge(iMarker);

  config->SetAeroelastic_pitch(iMarker , pitch+dalpha);
  config->SetAeroelastic_plunge(iMarker , plunge+dh/b);

  /*--- Set the Aeroelastic solution at time n+1. This gets update every sudo time step
   and after convering the sudo time step the solution at n+1 get moved to the solution at n
   in SetDualTime_Solver method ---*/

  config->SetAeroelastic_np1(iMarker, x_np1);

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aeroelastic, damper, pitching plunging airfoil, rigidbody, structural

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