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Onera m6 wing shape optimization

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Old   May 13, 2020, 06:31
Default Onera m6 wing shape optimization
New Member
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 16
Rep Power: 6
Enrique_CFD is on a distinguished road
Dear all

I am just starting using SU2 and I have a doubt regarding the following testcase posted on the web (and its mesh and cfg files):

I just runned this files and as it can be seen in the webpage of the testcase, the shape of the optimized wing is okey with 18 iterations.
However, if SU2 keeps iterating until it reaches the convergence criteria (this does not happen) or it reaches 100 iterations (the maximum specified in the cfg file) when I visualize in paraview the result is a little bit spurious because the Leading Edge is totally sharp. What can I do to avoid this?

I have tried the following thing, adding this lines to the cfg file:
% Coefficient for the sharp edges limiter
% Reference coefficient (sensitivity) for detecting sharp edges.
% Remove sharp edges from the sensitivity evaluation (NO, YES)

But at the iteration 68 the simulations crashes since the linear solver diverges.

I know that there are options to do it with a GEO constraint such as STATIONX_LERADIUS but I think this is a little restrictive, I would prefer an option that let the LE RADIUS to deform but avoiding this totally sharp leading that I am having right now.

Thank you in advance
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