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Dynamic Mesh Definitions

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Old   April 11, 2020, 10:22
Question Dynamic Mesh Definitions
New Member
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 25
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I would like to know the definitions of the dynamic mesh definitions. I have a list of questions. My specific case is simulating a unsteady compressible Euler flow for a (2D) pitch-plunge airfoil.

1. What is the difference between Grid movement and Surface movement. Do both deform the mesh? For example, In the provided pitching test case (/unsteady) it uses the SURFACE_MOVEMENT= DEFORMING. Whereas, the plunging test case uses GRID_MOVEMENT= RIGID_MOTION.

2. What is the AEROELASTIC surface movement and how does is differ from the other movements?

3. I am interested in predicting the flutter boundary based on the time history of the pitch and plunge. Would the grid movement FLUTTER be appropriate to use?

4. Since I am running an unsteady case of both pitch and plunge which would be appropriate to use GRID_MOVEMENT or SURFACE_MOVEMENT (this question is due to the fact that i do not know the difference between the two)
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