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Restart File with split initial conditions

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Old   February 16, 2020, 23:56
Default Restart File with split initial conditions
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Nelson Longmire
Join Date: Feb 2020
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Hello I need some help,
I am trying to run a 2-D case of a dense cold liquid interacting with a hot gas. I have also a 2-D small rectangular mesh for it.

I am trying to run the simulation with split initial conditions. So I have made a solution file and manually modified it so that there will be split initial conditions. On one side there is a dense cold liquid at 300K and 10MPa and on the other side it is a hot gas at 500K and 10MPa. I am trying to restart the simulation from this solution file and I run into the issue where after one time step the pressure and temperature on the right half of the mesh increase dramatically. The temperature on the right side of the mesh which starts at 500K increases to 1800K after one time step and the pressure starts at 10MPa throughout the mesh but then increase to 14MPa on the right half of the mesh. But the density stays the same for the gas and the liquid after one time step even though the temperature and pressure changed. This drastic change after one time step does not seem correct to me. I think something could be wrong with the solution file that I am providing.

I have tried to troubleshoot by changing the time steps and editing the initial conditions but I am still having issues. I am wondering if there is an issue with the restart file that I created. Am I giving the solver too many initial conditions since I provide a temperature, pressure and density? I am wondering what do I need to provide in my restart file can I leave out the density since it can calculate it from the temperature and pressure. I have attached my config file and mesh. My restart file is too large to attach so I have added pictures of some what it looks like but it is a csv file that I edited in excel to have the initial conditions that I wanted.

Any help would be appreciated if more information is needed please feel free to contact me.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Screenshot from 2020-02-16 20-39-46.jpg (196.0 KB, 10 views)
File Type: jpg Screenshot from 2020-02-16 20-55-21.jpg (199.9 KB, 7 views)
Attached Files
File Type: zip (3.8 KB, 3 views)
File Type: zip (149.0 KB, 3 views)

Last edited by Nelson; February 17, 2020 at 12:08.
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restart problem, su2

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