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Mesh deformation in 3D using SURFACE file

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Old   May 29, 2019, 13:08
Default Mesh deformation in 3D using SURFACE file
New Member
Pablo Garrido
Join Date: May 2019
Location: Netherlands
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pgdelaserna is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

I'm currently using SU2 version 5.0.0 (feature_turbomachinery) and I am interested in using the SU2_DEF module to deform a .su2 mesh corresponding to a 3D axial turbine blade that I already have. For that, I generate a MoveSurface.txt file which includes the identifiers and the new coordinates (x, y and z) of the deformed mesh points.

I've prepared a configuration file where I set DV_KIND to SURFACE_FILE and DV_MARKER to the surface that I want to move (in this case the blade surface) but found a very strange behaviour of the mesh deformation: it successfully deforms the surface (as shown in the pictures named as surface_grid_*, where the deformed grid is in red and the original one in black), but, when checking the volumetric grid, it seems that only the first cell next to the surface is moved while this movement it is not transmitted to the rest of the cells (as can be checked in the figures volumetric_grid_deformed and volumetric_grid_both).

The case that I'm running corresponds to a 3D axial turbine blade, where the upper and lower surfaces of the mesh are walls (hub & shroud) and there is no tip gap, therefore the blade profiles at hub and shroud are contained in the walls.

Thank you very much in advance!
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mesh deformation, surface, volumetric

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