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SU2 for airplane flight simulations?

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Old   February 8, 2019, 10:50
Question SU2 for airplane flight simulations?
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I'm a software engineer and I've just started to fly rc-planes. I'm currently building a self learning auto-pilot for my plane and I'm really interested in CFD. I would like to start learn more about it but I'm unsure which tool to use.

Ultimately I want to design a new airplane and then let my autopilot simulate a flight using CFD. That means that while the simulation runs, I want my auto-pilot be able to read the orientation of the plane (pitch/yaw/roll) and based on that control the plane by adjusting the flaps. This could be used to test the new airplane design but also to train the auto-pilot.

I first looked at OpenFOAM and asked a question whether it could be used to achieve what I want ( The answer was unfortunately not positive. So I'm now looking at alternatives.

So my question here is the same: is an interactive simulation which flies an airplane possible with SU2? I saw a big picture of an airplane mesh on the website, so that gives me hope.. :-)

Anyway, all tips are welcome!
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airplane, cfd, simulating

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