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problems with winglet shape optimization, cannot impose geometrical constrains

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Old   January 31, 2018, 07:14
Default problems with winglet shape optimization, cannot impose geometrical constrains
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Join Date: Nov 2017
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lpustin is on a distinguished road
Hello all,
I'm working with SU2 for my master thesis.
I have already performed an Euler analysis of a wing with a winglet.
Now I would like to perform an optimization also of the winglet shape but I have problems with the input file, and precisely, on the geometrical constraint section.
Below are shown some lines of the original Onera M6 optimization test-case (inside the SU2 test-cases) configuration file to underline my problem.

% Orientation of airfoil sections (X_AXIS, Y_AXIS, Z_AXIS)
% Coordinate of the sections
GEO_LOCATION_STATIONS= (0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8)
% Location (coordinate) of the airfoil sections (MinValue, MaxValue)
GEO_WING_BOUNDS= (0.0806, 1.1284)

% Optimization constraint functions with scaling factors, separated by semicolons
% ex= (Objective = Value ) * Scale, use '>','<','='
OPT_CONSTRAINT= (LIFT > 0.2864) * 10.0; (MAX_THICKNESS_SEC1 > 0.0570) * 0.1; (MAX_THICKNESS_SEC2 > 0.0513) * 0.1; (MAX_THICKNESS_SEC3 > 0.0457) * 0.1; (MAX_THICKNESS_SEC4 > 0.0399) * 0.1; (MAX_THICKNESS_SEC5 > 0.0343) * 0.1

Then, basically, I can provide the location of the airfoil section inside the wing bounds and have SU2 performing the optimization with the max thickness constrains.

My problem is that is possible to specify only X, Y or Z axis as orientation for the airfoil and, obviously, a winglet is not planar and thus, cannot comply with having the airfoil section perpendicular to the X,Y or Z orientation.
I've tried to perform optimization without constrains on the winglet thickness but I've obtained self-intersecting surfaces.

Is there any way to give reasonable constraints on a winglet ?
Hope somebody could help me,
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Old   February 24, 2018, 13:49
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Francisco Palacios
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What you are proposing makes sense but it requires some implementation.
First of all I would check the new tutorials for the SU2 v6.0 (the ONERA optimization is applicable).
Then I'll modify some lines of the code in particular how the wing slicing is done. Search for
config->GetGeo_Description() == WING and you will find how the normal plane is defined using

Plane_Normal[0] = ___
Plane_Normal[1] = ___
Plane_Normal[2] = ___

By the way, if you are planning to develop SU2... take a look at

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Old   February 26, 2018, 08:02
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lpustin is on a distinguished road
Thanks you very much Francisco.
We implemented changes to the code to allow for nonplanar wing shape optimization maintaining a C1 continuity between adjacent FFD boxes (and without freezing in space the relative Control Points).

We would like to share this effort with the community of SU2, thus, I will follow your suggestion regarding the SU2dev society.
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